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Case polishing importance

james r chapman
Rob Kovach
BE Mike
John McCormick
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Case polishing importance Empty Case polishing importance

Post by John McCormick 11/26/2016, 9:15 pm

Aside from the obvious cosmetic improvement, and assuming the use of carbide dies, is there any real value to polishing cases prior to reloading? Is it generally considered a necessary step in the process? Thanks in advance.

John McCormick

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by Dr.Don 11/26/2016, 10:45 pm

Makes things less messy, but I loaded many thousands of 45's before I ever owned a brass cleaning tumbler.

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by Wobbley 11/26/2016, 10:46 pm

I reloaded for years without polishing brass.  Then I bought a Thumlers tumbler and never looked back.  

That said, it is more important that it be clean.  The Frankfort Arsenal wet tumbler would be my choice today.

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by willnewton 11/27/2016, 7:02 am

I use an ultrasonic cleaner on my deprimed brass.  It is clean, but not polished.  I did not choose it for any particular reason, except I already had the ultrasonic and it is a wet process, so no lead or powder residue gets airborne.  I use a dilute mix of Simple Green cleaner and water.

It seems like I remember reading about a small study that found a dry tumbler had one of the highest concentrations of lead in the shop.  I would assume that came from reusing the media over and over again. Probably not a big deal, but if you saw how dirty the water was in the ultrasonic after cleaning, it might give you some pause.

I have thought about shiny tumbled cases, but I am the only one that looks at them, so....

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by orpheoet 11/27/2016, 7:12 am

willnewton wrote:I use an ultrasonic cleaner on my deprimed brass.  It is clean, but not polished.  I did not choose it for any particular reason, except I already had the ultrasonic and it is a wet process, so no lead or powder residue gets airborne.  I use a dilute mix of Simple Green cleaner and water.

It seems like I remember reading about a small study that found a dry tumbler had one of the highest concentrations of lead in the shop.  I would assume that came from reusing the media over and over again. Probably not a big deal, but if you saw how dirty the water was in the ultrasonic after cleaning, it might give you some pause.

I have thought about shiny tumbled cases, but I am the only one that looks at them, so....
I used to dry tumble and had pretty brass. My lead level was 36. Changed to ultra sonic and now my lead level is under 10. I did change some other stuff too but not tumbling was the biggest factor in my opinion.

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by BE Mike 11/27/2016, 7:51 am

It makes the brass easier to find when they escape the net. I take pride in the look of my loaded ammo and I think it makes the ammo look like someone went that extra step. All that said, it really isn't necessary. Kinda like washing and waxing one's car/ truck.
BE Mike
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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by Rob Kovach 12/2/2016, 3:22 pm

I haven't cleaned brass in over a year....just shooting the same dirty stuff over and over again.
Rob Kovach
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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by james r chapman 12/2/2016, 8:26 pm

when not polished, no one else covets it, eh?
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by L Valdez 12/2/2016, 8:36 pm

Dirty brass is under the radar for the brass grabbers, too hard to find in the grass.

L Valdez

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by LenV 12/2/2016, 8:47 pm

Shooter next to me (most matches) doesn't polish his. Claims everything that is not shiny. And some shiny ones Shocked

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 12/2/2016, 8:56 pm

LenV wrote:Shooter next to me (most matches) doesn't polish his. Claims everything that is not shiny. And some shiny ones Shocked

That's when you need to dispose of some of your SP 45 & Amerc brass  Twisted Evil

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Case polishing importance Empty Re: Case polishing importance

Post by jglenn21 12/3/2016, 4:54 pm

LenV wrote:Shooter next to me (most matches) doesn't polish his. Claims everything that is not shiny. And some shiny ones Shocked

That's when you need to dispose of some of your SP 45 & Amerc brass  Twisted Evil


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