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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions Empty Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

Post by Sa-tevp 11/28/2016, 9:27 pm

Being an admirer of Star Universal presses I was wondering if someone could measure and post the die dimensions for the sizing die ID and the expander die OD/length/profile for 45ACP and 38 Special Wadcutter.

I am curious what Star decided to size to. A window into the past...

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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions Empty Re: Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

Post by fc60 11/29/2016, 11:24 am


The Star sizing dies were made by various vendors.

LifeTyme were quite common and the dimensions are ...

OD 11/16-24
ID  7/16-27 for 38 caliber and smaller.
ID  1/2-27  for larger than 38 caliber.

The carbide rings were dimensioned to size the brass minimally to extend case life and offer better accuracy. Long ago, when I ordered my 32 S&W Long WC conversion, I told them I was using W-W brass and a 0.314" bullet. When the kit arrived, the LifeTyme sizing die was dimensioned just right for the components.

If you did not specify exactly what you wanted, Star would supply their best guess as to what would work well for you.

New dies sold by Star Machine Works of New Jersey use the LifeTyme threads and, on request, machine components to your wishes.

The expander plugs are 1/2-27. The flare angle is 20 degrees included angle. The length was based on the bullet to be loaded. Same with the diameter. Generally, the expander is 0.001" smaller than the diameter of the sized bullet.



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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions Empty Re: Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

Post by desben 11/29/2016, 9:39 pm

Please excuse this metric person, but what does a measurement such as "11/16-24" actually mean? I'm only familiar with such in the context of bolts, 11/16" diameter, 24 TPI. But I don't think that's what we're talking about here...? confused

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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions Empty Re: Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

Post by Wobbley 11/30/2016, 12:04 am

It is just like a bolt, external diameter and threads per inch.

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Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions Empty Re: Star Universal Progressive Press 45 and 38 die dimensions

Post by fc60 11/30/2016, 11:49 am

Greetings Metric Person,

Yes, the 11/16-24 indicates 11/16" major (outside) diameter with 24 threads per inch. That is the "nomimal" callout. You need to consult a machinist handbook for the exact dimensions for machining.




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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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