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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by mpolans 12/19/2016, 1:22 am

So I've pretty much just started at bullseye and have only shot about three matches with a .22.  I don't have a .45 or CF gun set up for bullseye yet, and haven't shot a match with either.
When I do shoot .45 and/or CF in matches, should I expect my scores to stay about the same, better, or worse than my .22 scores?

Also, when folks speak of making Expert, Master, etc, are they speaking of doing it with every gun, a combined score with all three, or just one of the three?


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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by Wobbley 12/19/2016, 1:34 am

With a center fire or 45 your scores will likely drop.  For two reasons.  A CF or 45 usually isn't as accurate as a 22.  A good match 22 should group from a machine rest into about .75 inch.  Smaller with ammo it REALLY likes.  The CF or 45 is normally a 1.5 inch gun or much bigger From a machine rest.  

The second reason is that the recoil and increased noise cause you not to shoot as well at first.  It can be significantly improved with practice. IMO, you should practice 60% with the 45 and 40% with the 22.

While you can get a 22 classification, most don't.  There are separate classifications for indoor and outdoor.

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by mpolans 12/19/2016, 1:41 am

That brings up another question; why the different classifications between indoor and outdoor? Is there that much wind doping required at 50 yards?


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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by Wobbley 12/19/2016, 8:53 am

The wind affects the shooter.  In pistol the wind has to blow pretty hard to move the shot out of the scoring ring it was aimed at. The shooters's arm however is blown around a lot more.

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by dronning 12/19/2016, 9:16 am

Wobbley wrote:The wind affects the shooter.  In pistol the wind has to blow pretty hard to move the shot out of the scoring ring it was aimed at. The shooters's arm however is blown around a lot more.

+1 on ^  
Then there is the fact most indoor ranges are 25 yards or 50 ft and you shoot a reduce size target.  The targets are reduced according to the distance 25 yards or 50ft.  13 time National Champion Brian Zins told me at a clinic he has never cleaned a slow fire 50ft target.  I don't doubt that the targets are reduce appropriately but that small target plays with your head.  Another challenge is the lighting, it's no where as good as being outside.

- Dave

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by weber1b 12/19/2016, 9:33 am

From where I sit (or stand I guess) I experience much the same thing. My 22 scores have always been higher. As I continue to improve, that gap is getting narrower and I see scores with the best shooters in the leagues and competitions I shoot at start to converge. If you shoot the two guns exactly the same, you would score better with the CF, especially the 45 as you would cross more circles hitting on the same point. I think the point on the 22 being more accurate is very valid.


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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by Russ OR 12/19/2016, 9:55 am

Another factor --  
Minimum trigger weights: 22: 2lbs. --- - CF & revolver: 2½lbs (unless your using your wadgun for CF) --- -1911 wadgun: 3½lbs.

Russ OR

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by rich.tullo 12/19/2016, 10:11 am

Until my 22lr scores came up 50% of the time my 45acp scores were the same if not higher. The culprit was my 22lr slow fire and then transitioning into sustained fire. I always had a better shot process for my 45acp and the 45acp makes a bigger hole. 

So I worked on my 22lr slow fire almost exclusively until I shot in the high 80's. My Slow fire scores are about the same and now I am going to work on getting my sustained fire into the mid to high 90's. Typically my NMC course 22lr now is 270+ and my 45ACp has stayed the same around 260+/-. My goal for the next 12 months is to make expert by focusing on process.

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by dronning 12/19/2016, 11:23 am

Look at many High Master scores their 22 & 45 scores will be close.  I remember seeing a picture of a score book where about 50% of the time the 45 scores were higher.  Every score on the page was a 2600 score so there isn't a lot of room for a big difference between 22 & 45.

- Dave

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Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events? Empty Re: Is it easier to shoot better in .45 than .22? Do scores tend to be the same across events?

Post by 243winxb 12/20/2016, 10:28 am

dronning wrote:Look at many High Master scores their 22 & 45 scores will be close.  I remember seeing a picture of a score book where about 50% of the time the 45 scores were higher.  Every score on the page was a 2600 score so there isn't a lot of room for a big difference between 22 & 45.

- Dave
 I agree,  when  looking at the top shooters scores.  For me, 45 score was less most of the time. 

The 45 cuts a bigger hole. This mean it may break the next higher point, where the 22 small hole would not cut the line.  


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