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32 S&W Long basics

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32 S&W Long basics Empty 32 S&W Long basics

Post by sakurama 2/28/2012, 9:03 am

So I decided to pick up a Walther GSP to try for centerfire. If it needlessly complicates my learning curve I'll get rid of it but I like the gun and enjoy the idea of shooting three guns which leads me to my questions here. I'm new to reloading, I have a Dillon 550b and would like to reload 32. I've spoken to Dave Wilson about loads and he was very generous with advice but it's not all that clear (Dave reloads with a Star so it's not directly transferable) so I'd like to get some specifics here.

His advice for the stock Walther GSP barrel is this:

.314 H&N 100grain wadcutter bullets
Lapua brass (I started with Fiocchi wadcutters which he says is fine brass to reload)
1.7 grains of Alliant Bullseye or 1.40 VV N310 powder
He suggested trying to locate a .314 expander plug but said that .315 would be better.

Here's the first part I need help with. On the Dillon is the expander he's speaking about the powder funnel? I'm trying to make sense of the function of the different dies from different manufacturers.

Then he suggests a taper crimp of .325 (measured at the mouth).

When I wrote Dillon about a die set for S&W 32 they suggested this:

Use SW funnel #13171
Die set #14426

but said that the crimp was a roll crimp and they don't offer a taper for 32.

So is getting a die set for the 32 a mix and match affair and if so how do you determine the measurements since none are ever listed? Is the funnel for Dillon the expander and if so what does it measure?

I'm sorry for the newbie questions but 32 seems a bit more complicated than 45 which seems pretty established. If the Dillon expander is needed at .315 what are the characteristics that are important? I actually have a lathe and would be comfortable to make my own inserts but I need to just figure out which tail to chase.

If anyone has specific suggestions for places to pick up the correct dies or who makes the best set (with part numbers if possible) that would be most helpful.

Lastly, since I'll be reloading both 45 and 32 is one of the two suggested powders better for 45? I'd like to simplify the process by using one powder for both.

Thanks in advance.


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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by DavidR 2/28/2012, 10:12 am

I recently bought a benelli 32, with a dave wilson barrel, he gave me basically the same advice, but i found the taper crimp caused several failures to feed where the roll crimps do not. Next we tested loads at 25 and 50 yards, we found the roll crimp held better groups. So its a no brainier for my gun to get feed roll crimped rounds, which if you look at every commercial loaded target 32 even the 50.00 a box lapua they are roll crimped. In bullseye function comes first, accuracy second, cause if the most accurate round wont feed a 100% you will loose many points in alibis. IMO, go with the dillon die set, and crimp to the same.325 dave suggested, later if you want to play with taper crimp, redding sells a seperate die for the 32. I prefer the V-310 powder, it meters very good in these small charges but bullseye works ok to, both were tested by us and both were accurate at both 25 and 50 yds. I would not use lapua brass if you have to buy it new, it is super expensive and i have found it to be no better than the HN brass, larry carter or roco sells for 1/3 the price. The HN bullets are very accurate too.

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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by Larry Lang 2/28/2012, 10:38 am

Hello "G", I may be able to help, with you questions.
First of all I don't load .32 SWL, but Dave Wilson was helped me load .38SPL wadcutters for my 1911 using a 550.
First the amount of belling on the powder funnel is adjustable. .315 is better because it's less likely to shave lead from the bullet.
Substitute a Redding taper crimp die. http://www.sinclairintl.com/.aspx/cid=0/k=Redding+Taper+Crimp+Die%2c+32+long/t=P/ksubmit=y/Products/All/search=Redding_Taper_Crimp_Die,_32_long
Adjust per instructions.
Either powder is fine for .45. I think N310 is best for the .32 VV is expensive. Save it for the 32. I suggest you get the Dillon extra small powder bar for .32 use...better chance of consistent load throwing.
Here in the PNW we are proud to have Mr Wilson as our fellow shooter.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by sakurama 2/28/2012, 4:06 pm

Thanks for the replies.

Is the extra small measure consistent enough for 32? I read that there is that micrometer measure... This one from Unique-tek:


I haven't priced powders yet so didn't realize there was a big price difference but that's good to know. I'm still trying to get the (huge amount of) gear together and set up so I'm picking up things a little at a time.

I'll look at getting the Dillon dies and seeing how that works and get the taper die if it's not working. I'll be using the Fiocchi brass for reloading for now.

Thanks for the advice.


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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by DavidR 2/28/2012, 4:29 pm

that powder bar would be nice , i would get it over the dillon.

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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by robert84010 2/29/2012, 5:08 pm

I found the Dillon extra small bar would not close down enough to throw 1.3g of V310. I had to take the bar out and put some epoxy in the "powder well" to decrease the size. Now it works great. Those uniquetek parts are pretty pricey, almost the price of another Dillon powder hopper so I have one dedicated to 32 and I never need to adjust it.


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32 S&W Long basics Empty Re: 32 S&W Long basics

Post by Ernierod 3/21/2012, 3:26 am

My outfit for reloading the 32 S&WL is as follows.A Hornady LNL progressive press.I use a Lee oversized carbide/decapper resizing die,a Hornady powder measure with a pistol insert drum,a custom .315 expander and a Redding Profile crimp die.So far I use 1.5gr/N310 but will try BE powder-perhaps 1.7grs. The bullets I use are 98gr Lapua or H&N HBWC. Brass is Lapua or Remington and primers are Winchester.So far -so good.


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