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1911 with tuner

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1911 with tuner Empty 1911 with tuner

Post by mm1ut1 2/28/2012, 2:51 pm

Picked up a Jim Clark Sr 1911 with a tuner. I'm scared to death to take the gun apart. Does this tuner have to be adjusted after every time the gun is apart ? I was planning on using a Marvel 22 conversion, but don't want to throw off the gun's current accuracey. Any info on these tuner equipped 1911s would be appreciated. Thanks !


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1911 with tuner Empty Re: 1911 with tuner

Post by BE Mike 2/29/2012, 10:21 am

The tuner is permanently mounted in place. You can disassemble and reassemble the gun without any ill effect. The tuner is attached to the slide, so you will remove the whole upper assembly and it will stay attached. When you put on a Marvel conversion it replaces the whole upper top assembly, so no problems. One thing, though, since your slide and frame have been fitted, the Marvel may not be a "drop in" deal. You may have to do some fitting to get it to seat and function.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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