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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

james r chapman
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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by Bigtrout 1/17/2017, 9:02 am

I'm looking for a chronograph.  I've done some searching on other forums and manufacturers' websites and it's time to turn to the experts.  I'm budgeting between $100 to $150.  Being a Luddite, I do not have a cell phone so I really don't need the download feature.  All my shooting is outdoors, and like fishing, in fair weather.  I've read about difficulties with jacketed bullets due to their high reflectivity..   I've got access to a very private range so going downrange to read the display is not a problem.  I'm trying to avoid a lot of misreads and other interference.  Can you folks provide some opinions beside me being a cheapskate?  Thanks.


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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by dronning 1/17/2017, 9:21 am

I'd see if you could find a used CED M2 (normally 200 new) for $150.

Midway USA has a bunch in your price range.


- Dave

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by SteveT 1/17/2017, 9:45 am

I would expect all of the traditional chronographs to be reliable, Shooting Chrony, CED, Oehler. I have no experience with some of the new names that use phones or tablets for the interface, but would be concerned they are built to the same quality standards as so much electronic crap on the market.

I've been happy with my Shooting Chrony. No problems with it. I got the extra memory, computer interface and printer options. If I had it to do over I would only get the printer. I very much prefer using the printer for each string and writing a note on the paper as to which load it being tested. Going through memory after the session is tedious and easy to make a mistake. It is a bit more hassle to set up the printer, and it needs more batteries or another outlet for power. It wouldn't be too difficult to make notes after each string, if you have to keep the price down.

I have never used and probably never will use the computer serial interface. It's enough hassle to setup the chrony, setting up a laptop at the range is not something I want to do.

I use the CED indoor lighting kit because it looked better than the Chrony setup. I am very happy with it. It fits on the Shooting Chrony risers just fine.

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Chrono

Post by czman 1/17/2017, 12:59 pm

I have had a number of Shooting Chronys, and found them undependable to the point that I purposely shot
one to put it out of it's misery. Got tired of it not reading, or showing 150 fps then 2015 for the next 
shot with the same load. Use a Chrony on overcast days with the light shields.

The new chrono is a Caldwell which seems dependable and is fairly priced.

Last edited by czman on 1/17/2017, 1:04 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : remove a number 3 which didn't belong)


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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by james r chapman 1/17/2017, 1:46 pm

It's all about the proper setup...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by r_zerr 1/17/2017, 2:03 pm

I have an Oehler model 33 chronograph that needs a home.

1. I urge, and will let others solicit their comments on this unit. It is old, but it is still a very reliable chronograph. It "used to be" the one you wanted to buy. New sky-screens will put it nearly on par with the Model 35 in my opinion. Other members' opinions should say whether or not what I propose is reasonable or not.

2. $70 plus shipping costs. I have the unit, screens, the bar and the stands. I am not certain that I have the full shades.

3. Let the comments begin, but the offer is made to the original poster first. If others wish first refusal or other, contact me.

Ron Zerr
r_zerr  at hot mail dot co m
nine one 5 for nine 4 1 ate nine 2.

(I have two Model 33's as well as a 35P, I don't think I need the second M33)

Last edited by r_zerr on 1/17/2017, 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added reason why.)


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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by jglenn21 1/17/2017, 3:27 pm

That is a Deal for the OP

I have one of the Caldwell and it's been surprising good given the price

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by Dr.Don 1/17/2017, 6:16 pm

+1 on the Caldwell.  Good performance.  But most of the smarts are in the iphone App they provide, and you seem to want to avoid that.  Good App though.

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by igolfat8 1/17/2017, 6:48 pm

My CED Pro Chrono has been reliable for me.


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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by Bigtrout 1/18/2017, 9:03 am

Jim, could you give me a few details regarding the setup comment?  Czman's comment on the Shooting Chrony is exactly the issue I want to avoid.  I've seen similar comments in other forums and reviews online about that product.

Ron, thank you for the offer and it is tempting but I'm not ready to jump in so quickly.  If you have a chance to move it please don't wait for me as I haven't gathered as much information as I'd like, and maybe never will before I make the mfg./model choice.  It's one of those purchases I only want to do once and not have buyer's remorse.

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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by r_zerr 1/18/2017, 11:44 am


thanks, will do. Done
If anyone is interested in the Oehler 33, let me know. Spoken for by SMokinnJokin


Last edited by r_zerr on 1/18/2017, 10:21 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Oehler 33 Sold pending funds, corrected purchaser)


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Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?  Empty Re: Is There an Inexpensive AND Reliable Chronograph?

Post by james r chapman 1/18/2017, 2:26 pm

Bigtrout wrote:Jim, could you give me a few details regarding the setup comment?  Czman's comment on the Shooting Chrony is exactly the issue I want to avoid.  I've seen similar comments in other forums and reviews online about that product.

Ron, thank you for the offer and it is tempting but I'm not ready to jump in so quickly.  If you have a chance to move it please don't wait for me as I haven't gathered as much information as I'd like, and maybe never will before I make the mfg./model choice.  It's one of those purchases I only want to do once and not have buyer's remorse.

My experience with the Chronograph setups.

Parallel to bore. Level with boreline
10-12ft to avoid muzzle blast which often caused errors
Use the sky screens
Aim between the skyscreen supports about where the brass connectors are at.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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