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outside the box accuracy work

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outside the box accuracy work Empty outside the box accuracy work

Post by BryanGA 3/2/2012, 4:20 am

This is a forum I visit. thought it might be interesting.


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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/2/2012, 5:34 am

ohhh...dont think I'll be doin that any time soon.....wow..!!


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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by JackOfAllTrades 3/2/2012, 8:24 am


Some people need to quite trying to be rocket scientists when they are truly underqualified.

Curiosity kills the cat though.. I'm wondering how accurate it is though. Wink



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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by AllAces 3/2/2012, 2:47 pm

Wooooooh! WTF. Ever wonder why you NEVER see a real gunsmith doing this modification?

We've got a jack-leg, do it yourself TV program for rocket scientists. Now we need one titled, "Redneck Gunsmiths". Lets see how many fingers we can blow off on this episode. Heck, last week we blinded ol' Granny in her good eye with that 'shoot-around-the-corner' pistol.

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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by DavidR 3/2/2012, 5:49 pm

He bought the cheapest POS 1911 made, and wants it to shoot like a rock river. Good luck with that.

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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by Bob Fleming 4/20/2012, 6:36 am

That all depends:
How much upper barrel lug engagement does he have?
Some people in that thread over there seem to think that this is OK because Kart barrels have humps to control lug engagement. Those humps are for centering the firing pin on the primer. There is plenty lug engagement even if the humps are not filed down at all. This method is backwards and has no intrinsically safe control for lug engagement. The slide is much more expensive than the barrel, why not mess with the less expensive part? If your really careful about it and mind the upper lug engagement depth then it could work but that method invites flanging of the lugs and off center hits on the primer.


Bob Fleming

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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by Founder 4/20/2012, 7:21 am

Wow! That is all I can say about that.


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outside the box accuracy work Empty Re: outside the box accuracy work

Post by Jerry Keefer 4/20/2012, 8:51 pm

Hmmm. I have seen this before. It's not new, but it's a very, very, poor method...The Bo Mar Tuner rib is basically the same principle, but better control and a lot more class. Years ago it was common to silver solder a small block in the slide near the left rear of the ejection port to limit the upper movement of the barrel. It was largely out of sight..
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