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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems Empty Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

Post by Slartybartfast 1/27/2017, 8:42 am

I'm looking for some troubleshooting help with the install of my Tandemkross SW22  Victory Trigger.

The install went well and I adjusted both the pre-travel and over-travel screws as per the instructions in the pdf available on the Tandemkross website and in the Youtube installation video.

First outing at the range, I had issues of the pistol consistently not resetting reliably. So as per the instructions I backed out the pre-travel screw.

Now however the screw is completely backed out and I still seem to often have problems with the first round from a new magazine. As I begin to pull the trigger, the trigger is obviously "soft" as if the safety or magazine disconnect is engaged. If I then pull the trigger all the way back and release I can often feel the reset and I can fire normally through all of the magazine.

I didn't take any measurements before or after the install, but I do like the feel of the trigger as it forces me to comncenrate more on how squarely I squeeze it. I have also shot consistently above my average (81) and shot a new personal best score (90) on scaled ISSF targets at 20yds since changing the trigger.

So I really would like to keep the trigger installed and get rid of the tentative first pull and process of clearing the trigger on first shot.

Now, I don't think many on this forum have much if any experience with the SW22 Victory. But does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm thinking that maybe I bent the magazine disconnect and hat's getting jammed up and not disengaging correctly when a new magazine is inserted. It didn't seem to remove or install as easy as it is shown on the Tandemkross video or any of the other online disassembly and assembly videos that I've watched.

Maybe I've answered my own question. I'll remove the disconnect before my next session at the range and see if that solves the issue. But then I'll have to figure out how to put it back and have it functional.

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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems Empty Re: Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

Post by gregbenner 1/27/2017, 10:59 am

I'd call Tandemkross before i did anything. They have lots of experience with the SW22.


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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems Empty Re: Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

Post by Slartybartfast 1/27/2017, 11:11 am

gregbenner wrote:I'd call Tandemkross before i did anything. They have lots of experience with the SW22.
Sent an email, and received a response that it has been forwarded to their Tech.

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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems Empty Re: Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

Post by Slartybartfast 2/2/2017, 10:33 am

7 days later and no email contact from the Tandemkross technician.

I took the pistol apart for cleaning and examined the workings closely.

With a magazine in, hammer cocked, and safety engaged, pulling and releasing the trigger resulted in the trigger bar moving back and forth freely.

Removing the magazine, and disengaging the safety, pulling and releasing the trigger resulted in the trigger bar moving forward once and remaining forward.

When the magazine was reinserted, pulling and releasing the trigger resulted in the trigger bar moving a little and then jumping to what is obviously the reset position.

To isolate the issue, I then removed the magazine disconnect. I thought that perhaps I had bent it while removing and installing it for the trigger install. Thing to note is that removing and installing the disconnect seems much more difficult than what I see on various videos of people doing it.

With the disconnect removed, magazines still drop out freely and quickly. As long as I don't impede the fall of the magazine or manipulate it until it is quite a ways out. If I do, it seems to jams up on something. This happens with the disconnect installed as well.

Without the disconnect, and with magazine removed, trigger bar moves freely back and forth.

With a magazine installed, it seems to occasionally slow down or get hung up moving back again.

It seems to me the problem is that the trigger bar is in contact with the frame over a large part of its right side. And with the spacer included with the trigger is very tightly held between the trigger and frame.

Add to that, unlike the original trigger, there is no solid mechanical connection between the trigger and the trigger bar.

The trigger positively pulls the bar forward by the back of the trigger cutout and the pin on the trigger bar, but does little to nothing to move the bar backwards when the trigger is released. The modified mechanism seems to rely on gravity at the back and a wishful push from the plunger and spring in the trigger. Add a little friction at the front from being held between the trigger and frame and maybe along the side and it occasionally needs a little wiggle of the trigger and trigger bar for the bar to reset.

Might be an issue with the thickness of the Kryptec coating affecting the tolerances.

Maybe polishing the sides of the trigger bar at the trigger end on both the trigger and frame sides and along the length on the side that seems to contact the frame.

Or to begin with, perhaps a spray cleaner/degreaser to make sure there's nothing between the trigger bar and frame.

But from a design standpoint, it seems to me the trigger bar pin to trigger slot fit is too sloppy and the trigger needs to have some positive engagement to pull the trigger bar forward when the trigger is pushed forward by the trigger detent spring.

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Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems Empty Re: Tandemkross SW22 Trigger Problems

Post by Slartybartfast 2/3/2017, 10:22 am

So, an update.

Tandemkross technician replied to me, and my analysis was spot on. The trigger needs to have a mechanism to engage the trigger bar pin and push it back as the trigger returns forward.

Tandemkross already has a new version of the trigger that has a vertical setscrew that installs forward of the pin when the trigger is in place.

They've offered to send me a new one, but I have to wait if I want a black one as they are out of stock. I was given the option of getting a more expensive green or red trigger or a same priced silver trigger immediately. But I just don't think those colours match the gun. And as I am still shooting personal best scores despite the mental interruptions from the reset failures I figure I can wait.

The issue that I have is that I'm not comfortable with the threads of a setscrew wearing on the pin. Probably irrelevant, but I just don't like the design.

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