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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by Left handed troglodyte Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:57 pm

The last piece of the puzzle - to completely hotrod my S&W Victory.

Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) PbucketVolquartsen I-Fluted barrel with compensator
Tandemkross Victory trigger
Tandemkross halo ring
Tandemkross mag base plate (not shown)
Sig Sauer red dot

Why did I seek Andrew? Because I was tired of waiting for Volquartsen to develop a 'one size fits most' generic LH grip. For the same amount of money, Andrew produced a custom fitted LH grip designed to my hand; that fit like a glove - on the first try. 

The reason becomes obviously clear because my hand is oversized for the stock OEM grip. Andrew's designed the grip to fully support the hand.

Last edited by Left handed troglodyte on Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Left handed troglodyte

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Join date : 2016-04-18

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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by LenV Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:13 pm

Nice, but the one he did for me is much nicer. Subjectively speaking of course. Or to horribly paraphrase. "Beauty is in the hand of the beholder" Laughing
Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Dscf1015
As long as were showing off Andrews work here. The Black grips look neat too.

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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by wreindol Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:38 am

I just wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in the pot here. I also had Andrew make me a grip for my LP-50. I was very pleased with the results and the workmanship of his grips. When I decide to have other grips made, Precision Target Pistol Grips will be on the top of my shopping list.

I don't know if that was 2 cents worth or not, but hope it is helpful to anyone considering Precision Target Pistol Grips.



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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by ric1911a1 Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:26 pm

Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) 20171111

Here is the latest one Andrew did for me.......


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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by ric1911a1 Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:28 pm

I thought I would like to have a unique Unique DES-69...............

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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by Cheapshot Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:44 pm

Andrew made my grips for what he described as my "bear maw", the are amazing..


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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

Post by Left handed troglodyte Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:24 pm

Thanx for the pics.... Andrew has been assisting me on the next revision.
Allow me to explain...

This grip was the original from his 3D printer (early 2017)

Spent several months slowly changing my direction of thought and grip finish using nothing but elbow grease, files, and too many hours sanding... and a little putty.

After a year with the evolving grip... asked Andrew for another 3D grip... based off the mods from the original set. Once in hand... more minor enhancements. Yup... another round with the files, and several layers sandpaper grit.

The backstrap and strongside panel:

The frontstrap:

Who would have known there would be a hidden but natural composite grain once the grip reached a polished surface with 1600 grit paper.

Left handed troglodyte

Posts : 26
Join date : 2016-04-18

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Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip) Empty Re: Left hand grip - for the S&W Victory by Andrew (Precision Pistol Grip)

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