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Unusual activity on this web sight

james r chapman
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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by dhenry132 2/10/2017, 12:41 pm

I have noticed some unusual activity on this web sight. Asking if anyone else has noticed a redirecting to another web sight when you click on one of the Forum topics.
Every once in a while EMMA wants me to chat with her. No bugs on my end. Just asking

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by Chris Miceli 2/10/2017, 12:52 pm

never seen it.. i use to see ads on the banner

Chris Miceli

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by Magload 2/10/2017, 1:09 pm

Not happening here either.  Don

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by james r chapman 2/10/2017, 1:20 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by Boris_La 2/10/2017, 1:24 pm

dhenry132 wrote:I have noticed some unusual activity on this web sight. Asking if anyone else has noticed a redirecting to another web sight when you click on one of the Forum topics.
Every once in a while EMMA wants me to chat with her. No bugs on my end. Just asking
Its your browser or computer. Some rogue search toolbars, add-ons or other malware caused the redirects.


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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by LenV 2/10/2017, 1:25 pm

Getting adds on the banner. If not logged in then have even got adds as topics.

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by DavidR 2/10/2017, 3:23 pm

All free forums have ad banners at times but the redirecting and  those issues come from your end not the forum.

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by dhenry132 2/10/2017, 3:52 pm

Got most if not all of straightened out.
Apparently I got some wayward Cookies. Not sure from where but is was only on this site I had troubles with the redirection. After I captured the URL's and blocked them and the tracking from Criteo on this site it quit.
I don't know where it all come from but I was only have the issue on this site. Maybe this will help someone else that has similar issues.

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by Mike38 2/10/2017, 6:07 pm

My PC has been redirected a couple times in the past week, from this forum only. Doesn't happen on other sites. I'm far from a computer wiz, so not sure if it's my PC or this site.

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by DavidR 2/11/2017, 10:19 am

OAny issues will be on the user end 99% of the time on these free forums.They are run by a huge company who hosts thousands of them and they have state of the art software and monitorthem 24-7, if the forum was compromised we would have thousands of users with issues  not two or three.

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by dhenry132 2/11/2017, 2:13 pm

and the bigger they are the more the marbles get out of alignment

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

Post by james r chapman 2/11/2017, 2:36 pm

What I experienced was redirected when scrolling in horizontal on a Droid. It only happened one day. Probably Auto corrected with software updates.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Unusual activity on this web sight Empty Re: Unusual activity on this web sight

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