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NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Larry Lang
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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/8/2012, 4:55 pm

Wonder if someone could do a link for the NRA Bullseye Qualifcations.....? I dont need a witness till I would go for Dist. So I can do all the shooting on my own and just get the certificates as I reach each point....Trouble is I donwnloaded the info , But for some strange reason I cant open the download to view it ...Ive just got internet 7 on my computer and I'm not really all that fimilar with it yet ,but I think I have some other issue that is stopping me from viewing any download I attemp.


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Larry Lang 3/9/2012, 11:50 am

The NRA classifies you based on how you shoot in Approved or Registered competition. After shooting 360 rounds in 2 or more matches you will be classified based on your scores. Above 95%=MA. 90%=EX. 85%=SS and above 80%=MK.

The match director should mark your scores in an NRA pamphlet so you can show your 2nd match director. He will squad you against other shooters who are in your temporary classification.

Good luck and enjoy!
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by DavidR 3/9/2012, 12:38 pm

your the second ive heard saying this about getting classified in some way other than real nra competition, this must be new, never heard of it, please show us where you found it.

This is from the 2012 rule book, nothing about a honor system classification that i could find.
Pistol 1
Conventional Pistol
1.0 NRA Competition - Competition that is authorized in advance of firing by the National Rifle Association.
The program, range facilities and officials must comply with standards established by the NRA. The types of
tournaments which are Sanctioned are listed in Rule 1.6.
1.1 Sanctioned Tournament - A series of matches covered by an Official Program. Such matches may be all
individual matches, all team matches, or a combination of both, which must be conducted by an NRA affiliated club
or organization. They may be all fired matches or a combination of fired and aggregate matches. A tournament
may be conducted on one day, or successive days, or may provide for intervening days between portions of the
tournament, such as tournaments programmed to be conducted over more than one weekend.
1.2 Authorization - Before being publicized in programs or otherwise, the sponsoring organization of each
type of competition mentioned in Rule 1.6 shall have agreed to comply with the current regulations for such
competition and shall have received notice from the NRA that the competition applied for has been authorized.
1.3 Rules - The local sponsor of each type of competition must agree to conduct the authorized competition
according to NRA Rules, except as these Rules have been modified by the NRA in the General Regulations for
that type of competition.
1.4 General Regulations - The local sponsor of each type of competition must agree to comply with the
General Regulations published by the NRA for the competition concerned. See Appendix in back of this rule book.
1.5 Refusal or Withdrawal of NRA Authorization - The NRA may refuse to authorize or may withdraw its
authorization for any competition that cannot, or does not, comply with the requirements for that competition
1.6 Types of Tournaments - The types of tournaments listed below are those that are Sanctioned by NRA in
its competitive shooting program.
(a) International Matches - Arranged by the NRA with the recognized national shooting organization(s) of the
countries concerned. The officials thereof are appointed by the NRA.
(b) International Team Tryouts - U.S. tournaments conducted under NRA Rules organized or authorized by
the NRA as preliminary or final tryouts for the selection of International Team members. The officials
thereof are appointed by the NRA.
(c) National Championships - Organized by the NRA, and in some cases in conjunction with the Corporation
for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, to form the National Matches. The officials thereof
are appointed by the NRA, in some circumstances in cooperation with the CPRPFS. These tournaments
will be Registered.
(d) Regional and Sectional Championships - Arranged between the NRA and a local sponsoring organization.
These tournaments will be Registered.
(e) State Championships - Annual tournaments authorized and/or conducted by State Rifle and/or Pistol
Associations, affiliated with the NRA. Such State Associations may if desired, authorize local
organizations to sponsor and conduct State Championships. In states where there is no NRA affiliated
State Association the NRA may authorize a local organization to sponsor and conduct the State
Championship. State Championships will be Registered Tournaments.
(f) Registered Tournaments - May be authorized by the NRA after application has been filed by the
sponsoring organization. Application forms are available from NRA on request, National Records may
only be established in Registered Tournaments (Rule 17.1).
(g) Approved Tournaments - May be authorized by the NRA after application has been filed by the local
organization that will act as the sponsor. Application forms are available from NRA on request.
(h) Sanctioned Leagues (shoulder-to-shoulder or postal) - May be authorized by the NRA after application has
been filed by a local group or organization. Application forms are available from NRA on request.
Sanctioned League scores are used for classification. A League need not be operated by an Affiliated

19.4 Matches Used for Individual Classification - Scores to be used for classification and reclassification
will be those fired in individual and team matches in both indoor and outdoor NRA Competition as defined in Rule
1.6 (except Postal Matches) over the following courses of fire and under the indicated conditions:
(a) National Match Course.
(b) NRA Short Course.
(c) National Match Gallery Course (50 feet or 20 yards).
(d) Any component part of these courses when fired as single stage events.
Scores fired indoors are used to establish indoor classification.
Scores fired outdoors are used to establish outdoor classification.
Scores from Sanctioned Leagues may be used during the league firing season in Score Record Books (Rule
19.14), but will only be used by the NRA Headquarters office at the end of the league firing season for issue of
Official Classification Cards.
19.5 Compilation of Scores for Classification Averages - Scores fired in complete matches over the above
courses, regardless of the caliber of arm used will be combined and averaged to establish a competitor's
19.6 Assigned Classification - A competitor who has an earned classification (a classification obtained
through a Score Record Book or an Official NRA Classification Card) for one type of competition in the grouping
listed below will be assigned this same classification in any other type in which the competitor is not classified in
the same group:
(a) Outdoor Pistol
(b) Indoor Pistol
(c) Police Combat
(d) Action Pistol
(e) International Pistol (Free, Air, Center, Rapid Fire or Standard)
If a competitor has a classification in more than one type in the list, the higher classification shall be used. In
the second tournament in the new type, the Score Record Book is used rather than the assigned classification. you can only be classified the same way as listed in the 2012 rule book.

19.8 Competing In a Higher Class - Any individual or team may elect, before firing, to compete in a higher
classification, except the classification of High Master, than the one in which classified. Such individual or team
must fire in such higher class throughout the tournament and may not revert to earned classification for any event
in that tournament.
When there are insufficient entries in any class to warrant an award in that class according to the match
program conditions, the individual or team concerned may be moved by the Tournament Match Director to a
higher class provided this change is made prior to the individual or team concerned having commenced firing in
the tournament.
19.9 Obsolete Classification and Scores - All classifications and scores (including temporary, Rule 19.14)
except Master, shall become obsolete if the competitor does not fire in NRA competition at least once during 3
successive calendar years. Master classifications and scores shall become obsolete if the competitor does not fire
in NRA competition at least once during 5 successive calendar years. Lifetime Master classifications will not
become obsolete.
19.10 Appeals - Any competitor having reason to believe classification is improper may file an appeal with the
NRA stating all essential facts. Such appeal will be reviewed by the NRA Protest Committee.
19.11 Protests - Any person who believes that another competitor has been 39 improperly classified may file
a protest with the NRA stating all essential facts.
Such protests will be reviewed by the NRA Protest Committee. (See Rule 16.2)
19.12 Team Classification - Teams are classified by computing the "team average" based on the
classification of each firing member of the team. To compute this "team average" the key in Table No. I for the
different classes will be used and the team total divided by the number of firing members of the team. Any
fractional figure in the team average of one half or more will place the team in the next higher class. The team
average will establish classification of the team as a unit, but will not affect in any way the individual classification
of the team members.
High Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Expert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sharpshooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Marksman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tyro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
19.13 Reporting Scores - NRA indoor and outdoor competition (see Section 1) sponsors will report to the
NRA all individual and fired team match scores fired over the courses stated in Rule 19.4. Scores fired in individual
matches will be reported as aggregate totals and scores from fired team matches will be reported as a separate
aggregate total. Scores from all tournaments and sanctioned leagues will be reported by each sponsor no more
than 30 days after completion of the tournament tiring schedule.
19.14 Score Record Book - (Temporary Classification) - A Score Record Book will be obtained by each
unclassified competitor from the Official Referee, Supervisor, Tournament Statistical Officer, or Sanctioned League
Secretary at the time the competitor competes in the first tournament. All scores fired will be recorded by the
competitor in each NRA competition (except Postal Matches) until such time as an Official NRA Classification Card
is received. The competitor will total all scores and divide that total by the number of 10-shot strings represented.
The average so obtained will determine the competitor's NRA Classification at that time (see Rule 19.15 for
average score for each classification).
Individual and team scores fired by the competitor during at least one tournament (Rule 1.1), or from the most
recent league match (Rule 1.6(h) must be posted in the Score Record Book to establish a Temporary
Classification. The Score Record Book will be presented by the holder at all NRA competition entered until the
competitor's Official NRA Classification Card becomes effective.
Note: It is the competitor's responsibility to obtain the Score Record Book, enter scores, and present it at each

Conventional Pistol
tournament until his Official NRA Classification Card becomes effective. When the NRA Classification Card
becomes effective the Score Record Book becomes obsolete.
19.15 Individual Class Averages - Competitors will be classified as follows and NRA Classification Cards
issued accordingly:
High Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.00 and above
Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 to 96.99
Expert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 to 94.99
Sharpshooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 to 89.99
Marksman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Below 85.00
19.16 Establishing Classification - A competitor will be officially classified by the NRA when the total score
for a minimum of 360 shots has been reported for either indoor or outdoor. However, classification averages will
be computed only after the total score for a tournament or league has been posted and, therefore, the average
may be based on a greater number of shots, but will not be based upon a lesser number. Total scores so reported
to the NRA will be posted to the Classification Record for the competitor concerned. When the scores for the
stated minimum of 360 shots (or more if this minimum is reached during the scores of any tournament or league)
have been so posted, the average score per I O-shot string will be computed. The competitor will be sent an
Official NRA Classification Card based on the average so computed and according to the table in Rule 19.15,
which classification will become effective the date shown on the card issued by NRA.
19.17 Reclassification - A competitor who has been classified by the NRA will be reclassified as follows:
(a) A record of all completed (see Rule 19.9) NRA Competition scores fired by a classified competitor (except
Postal Match) will be maintained by NRA Headquarters. Only scores not previously used in computing a
classification average will be used for reclassification, except as noted in (c) below.
(b) A competitor will be considered for reclassification upward when scores for not less than 360 shots, fired
subsequent to the tournament date at which he earned his current classification" have been recorded as
prescribed, except that such consideration will not include tournament or league scores until after all
scores for the tournament or league competition concerned have been recorded. If the average scores so
justifies, he will be reclassified upward accordingly.
(c) A competitor who believes his classification is too high may file a request with the NRA that his
classification be lowered. Once a written request is received at NRA an average will be taken using the
competitor’s most recent reported shots (1890 shots for outdoor pistol; 1080 shots for indoor pistol) posted
subsequent to the last classification or reclassification. If the competitor does not have the minimum
number of shots posted at the time of the request, an average will be taken when the minimum numbers of
shots is posted to the competitor’s record. When the average of such shots places the competitor in a
lower class, classification will be lowered accordingly.
(d) A reclassified competitor shall be sent a new classification card which will become effective as of the date
shown on the card issued by NRA.
19.18 to 19.20 (BLANK)

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by bking 3/9/2012, 3:39 pm

Classification for matches is different from the "Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program" that he's talking about. This isn't class for shooting matches, its patches & pins (box bling)



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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Bullseye Qual

Post by AllAces 3/9/2012, 4:00 pm

Here's the link to the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program which is intended to help shooters improve their skills.


Here is the NRA definition of the Classification System for those of us who shoot 900, 1800 and 2700 pistol matches.

NRA Classification System
Many new shooters do not enter competitions because they feel they are not good enough and would not win anything. This is true to some extent as with most sports, the first time does not prove productive as far as awards are concerned. The NRA Classification System, developed to provide an equitable distribution of awards, places all shooters in a particular class: Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master, or High Master, depending on their average. Tournament sponsors award prizes in each class and in some tournaments, depending on the number entered, second and third place. Complete information on the NRA Classification System is in Section 19 of the NRA Rule Books.

Here's a link to BullseyePistol.com with more detailed info on NRA santioned matches. Scroll down to about page 20 for more details on the course of fire and the classification system. As you can see, this is different from the Winchester skill development program.


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by DavidR 3/9/2012, 4:02 pm

bking wrote:Classification for matches is different from the "Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program" that he's talking about. This isn't class for shooting matches, its patches & pins (box bling)


ok i see what it is, It has nothing to do with getting a real classification for shooting true NRA competitions. I thought he was interested in what it takes to earn your real NRA classification that could be used in matches. Funny thing is they say "Win" talking about the patches and pins but reallity is you have to buy all that stuff lol!

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/9/2012, 6:00 pm

I thougth it was real classification ......but if its just some hooky shit well then I'm not interested , I dont need "box bling".....I pretty much work 6 days a week and in the evenings....so going about it the " real " way is not possible for me at this point in my carreer...I wasnt aware that it didnt mean the same thing......After all the web sight called it Bullseye qualification . And yes I am interested in doin it the right way ....just not possible now....Someone had told me about it and when I looked it up , I couldnt view the download ....but glad I gave everyone something to chuckle about.....


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by bking 3/9/2012, 7:39 pm

I don't think its anything to chuckle about. Anything that encourages progress is useful.


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/9/2012, 8:13 pm

Thank You , All Aces for posting the link . I went and looked at it and I'm alittle disapointed....Since I cant shoot in real leagues and such I thought that may have been a way for me to get ranking and just enjoy the sport more .....But if it dont mean anything I dont see any use in it.....By their satndards I'm already at distingushed expert but if it doesnt mean the same as the actual ranking from sanctioned matches it's not worth my time.....the web page I read was kinda misleading .....kinda had my hopes up for that program but it would appear kinda meaning less at this point....If the rank dont mean anything why bother with it...


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by SMBeyer 3/9/2012, 8:51 pm

For those of us that are registered "bullseye" shooters it is pretty hoaky. A friend of mine that I shoot with has the book and is going to do it simply because he wants to. If I remember correctly the first "course" to complete was something like keeping 8 out of 10 shots in a paper plate at something like 15 feet. However one of the things required was shooting a blackpowder pistol one handed at 50yds and having to score something like 80%. Now that one was a little more challenging. I shot my friends blackpowder pistol and that wasn't easy by any stretch. But for truly beginer shooters I could see where it would be a fun and progressively more challenging course. Remember not everyone starts out shooting where we are now and I think it gives some positive reiforcement to begining shooters. I personally applaud new/begining shooters for coming out and shooting bullseye and possibly standing next to a master or high master shooting 870's and above while they might be having a hard time breaking into the 7's, takes a lot of guts. Scott

Oh and by the way about every third shooter I see out at the range on saturday afternoon couldn't complete the first course! Maybe if more people knew about it it might do some good.

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/9/2012, 9:17 pm


They have a Bullseye Pistol thing to with the 3 seperate stages ...what you are refering to is the hand gun course....but anyway...now that I looked at the link and was able to view the download I would agree it is kinda hoaky and I'm already at the distingushed expert ranking (By those standards) .....I generally shoot right around 270-280 so that cousre has no point for me really....I was lead to believe it's the same rank as what a registered BE shooter would get. so since I cant shoot any leagues and such with work and other things , I thought it would be a good way for me to further enjoy my hobby.....That whole program is kinda misleading ...and I'm alittle disapointed as I was lookin forward to doing it and being able to particate in it....but clearly I was mislead as I said.....Ahh..it all good ..I'm still goin to the range this weekend and still gonna shoot all 3 of my target guns and will enjoy every shot.....even if it just to satisfy myself.......


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by DavidR 3/10/2012, 10:02 am

If this was a real program, every shooter would be a master Laughing Getting a classification is easy, all you do is shoot 360 bullets down range in approved or registered NRA matches, you could shoot em into the dirt and the nra would still classify you, marksman. Now to get classified higher takes a lot of work for most of us, bullseye is not a easy sport , and your ranking is earned once you pass the entry level. This is a sport that takes dedication, if its something you really want you will find a way to work out getting to a match somewhere sometime. There are matches held on Saturdays, Sundays, and indoor most any night and some even on weekdays.

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by hilsman 3/10/2012, 11:38 am

You could do what I did and take the bull by the horns. My area had no leagues or matches for several hundred miles. I went to my gun club and got the OK to form a league. Sent in appropriate paperwork to NRA for approved status and voila a league is born in my backyard. You could not so easily do this for registered status as national records can be established under this more strenuous protocol. Obviously you have to satisfy the requirements and conduct league under NRA guidelines/rules. Not that hard to do.


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by SMBeyer 3/10/2012, 7:15 pm

Paper Puncher,

I admit I didn't look into it before I replied. I assumed we were talking about the same thing. It's good that you are enjoying shooting bullseye but hopefully you can get to a real match sometime. There really is nothing like shooting a 2700 shoulder to shoulder with other shooters, it's a completely different experience than shooting by yourself. Scott

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Rob Kovach 3/10/2012, 7:44 pm

I keep telling Kieth that he has to meet us all at Perry this July. I haven't decided if I want to stay in the barracks or a hut. I can pretty much gaurantee that he's going to outshoot me with .22, but I've got his number with the 1911!

Kieth, If you shoot a camden the weekend before perry, I think you can get your temporary classification that you can use for perry?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty I understand Paper-Puncher's issue

Post by Flyfisherman 3/10/2012, 8:41 pm

I did not shoot Bullseye (or much else for that matter) for more more than 35 years as I developed my career. Now that I'm retired I'm getting back into Bullseye and realizing what I missed all those years of working WAY to many hours........we all make our choices though. By the way I'm finding this forum a GREAT place to relearn some things and learn many new things. Keep up the great discussions and hopefully I can add something useful later on. /MK


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/10/2012, 11:34 pm


I need to do somethong...I heard rumor that the range I shoot at is closeing next month...which will put a big damper on my practice time.....i hope its a rumor....will find out tommorow .....I would love to shoot perry but with being a supervisor and my company is short handed because of the scheudle all management vaction is limited....I woked till midnight friday ninght and was back at work at 6:30 am saturday morning......I'm beat goin to bed....


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NRA Bullseye Qualifications. Empty Re: NRA Bullseye Qualifications.

Post by Rob Kovach 3/10/2012, 11:40 pm

They can't beat you forever Kieth. Hope you can get the time off in July!
Rob Kovach
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