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NRA/CMP legal grip modification?

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NRA/CMP legal grip modification? Empty NRA/CMP legal grip modification?

Post by JWelch Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:24 pm

Question up front: do the CMP / NRA rules permit grip tape on .22 cal pistols?

Details: I use a S&W M41 for my 22. I like the shape of the stock grips, but the back of the grip is slick against the bottom heal of my shooting hand. I would like to add some grip tape to help things stay put during TF & RF, especially when things get hot down here in the south. I'm trying to decipher the NRA & CMP rule books on this issue. 

NRA Rule 3.3 a) says grip tape is allowed on production division pistols. I believe it to be a reasonable deduction that since a modification is permitted in a lower/more restrictive division, it is also allowed in a higher/less restrictive division such as metallic or open.

CMP Rule 6.2.1 specifies requirements for Service Pistol and Rule 6.2.2 outlines approved SP mods, which includes the use of grip tape. Rule 6.2.6 specifies requirements for 22 cal pistols, but there is no Rule 6.2.2 equivalent for 22 cal pistols. Since grip tape is permitted on SP, is it reasonable to assume it is also permitted on 22s?


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NRA/CMP legal grip modification? Empty Re: NRA/CMP legal grip modification?

Post by Cheapshot Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:18 pm

    From this years CMP rules.
6.2.6 22 Rimfire Pistol Pistols that comply with this rule may be used in CMP-Sanctioned 22 Rimfire Pistol Matches. The following rules apply to 22 Rimfire Pistols: 
a) The pistol may be either a semi-automatic pistol or a revolver. 
b) The pistol must be chambered for the .22 cal. rimfire long rifle cartridge. 43 
c) The pistol may have asymmetrical, orthopedic or specially shaped grips. 
d) The pistol may have only open sights. Optical sights are not permitted. The rear sight may be adjustable, but must have an open “U” or rectangular notch. Extended or adjustable front sights are not permitted. The total sight radius may not be more than 10.0 inches as measured from the rear surface of the rear sight to the highest point of the front sight. 
e) The pistol must have a trigger pull of at least 2.0 pounds. f) Any system of recoil control based on a compensator, barrel venting, barrel porting or other recoil reduction system operating in a similar manner is prohibited. 

As I read it modified grips are authorized.



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NRA/CMP legal grip modification? Empty Re: NRA/CMP legal grip modification?

Post by Wobbley Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:50 pm

Is this legal?  

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NRA/CMP legal grip modification? Empty Re: NRA/CMP legal grip modification?

Post by Cheapshot Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:15 pm

Shoot, no idea. 

From the m14forum - For NRA and CMP Service Rifle, and As-Issued rifles - you are not allowed to apply glue, tape, or whatever to the RIFLE itself But you can put the stuff on the jacket.



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