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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by NuJudge 2/11/2017, 3:12 pm

Wilson and Midway used to have these.  Wolff may have had them at some point.  Does anyone know where I could find one now?  I have two 1911 pistols, one that will probably just use 10 pound recoil springs, but the other is likely to use a variety on either side of 16 pounds.


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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Re: Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by Chris Miceli 2/11/2017, 3:43 pm

Uhhh....I paint an end of mine, so I know that color = poundage

Chris Miceli

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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Re: Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by LenV 2/11/2017, 4:01 pm

I have a bunch of them. I made a cheepo scale I use to separate. When I get a known new spring I check to see how close its calibrated. Calibrated might be the wrong word but I always know how any given spring compares to a known poundage. I also put shoe tags on the ones with known weights. Or leave them in the package they came in.

Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Dscf0211

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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Re: Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by Guest 2/11/2017, 4:10 pm

I have the Wilson and I'm happy with it.


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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Re: Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by bdas 2/13/2017, 6:03 pm

Not sure if this is what you're thinking of exactly, but... http://shopwilsoncombat.com/Spring-Caddy/productinfo/364/


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Organizer for 1911 recoil springs Empty Re: Organizer for 1911 recoil springs

Post by NuJudge 2/13/2017, 10:14 pm

That is precisely what I was looking for.


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