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High Standard maintenance

Wes Lorenz
Virgil Kane
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High Standard maintenance Empty High Standard maintenance

Post by rogersdan 2/11/2017, 8:17 pm

I just purchased a High Standard (circa 73) that is in mint condition - may never have been shot.  Does it need any special maintenance before I start using it?

Thanks,  Dan


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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by Virgil Kane 2/11/2017, 8:45 pm

Just me but I would replace the recoil spring.  I had a 70's something HS that probably didn't have more that 500 rounds threw it in all the years I had it (bought new by me).  A few years ago the recoil spring broke but lucky for me didn't do any damage to the frame from the slide slamming back when it broke.


Virgil Kane

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by rogersdan 2/12/2017, 5:47 am


Thanks - sounds reasonable.  I was thinking more along the lines of what lubrication may have dried out or evaporated.



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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by orpheoet 2/12/2017, 10:43 am

I replaced all springs on a Hamden era 107 with help from you tube. Spring kit from Wolff. The pistol runs flawlessly with the red base mag that came with it.I also threw everything in the sonic cleaner once it was disassembled. Final cleaning with CLP and I use CLP on the slide rails.

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by fc60 2/12/2017, 12:24 pm


The Ultrasonic is a good idea. However, be sure the cleaning solution is safe for the gun.

Some solutions remove the bluing.



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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by Wes Lorenz 2/12/2017, 2:51 pm

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

The Ultrasonic is a good idea. However, be sure the cleaning solution is safe for the gun.

Some solutions remove the bluing.


Additionally, never put any anodized aluminum in an Ultra Sonic tank. The anodizing will flake off like a broken eggshell.
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by troystaten 2/12/2017, 4:51 pm

If you don't have an ultra sonic cleaner, in addition to replacing springs you could take the grips off and take the gun apart as far as your comfortable with and soak the parts (not the grips) in a tub of odder-less mineral spirits then wipe it all down and re-oil everything then put it together and let us know how it shoots.


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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by rogersdan 2/13/2017, 8:01 pm

Thanks for the suggestions.  I have ordered a spring kit from Wolff and found a video on maintenance - should be ok.  Dan


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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by orpheoet 2/13/2017, 9:11 pm

You might want to change the magazine spring too.

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by Mike38 2/13/2017, 10:12 pm

Be careful taking the right grip off. The slide catch spring is a tiny leaf spring, and falls out if the pistol is not flat laying on it's left side. Don't ask how I know this. Embarassed

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by Rob Kovach 2/17/2017, 11:53 am

Just clean it with Hoppe's #9. Run some wet patches out through the bore, oil the slide rails with Hoppe's oil and shoot it.

My Vintage Hi-Standards have never needed a single repair part.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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High Standard maintenance Empty Re: High Standard maintenance

Post by jglenn21 2/17/2017, 1:16 pm

used to buy the slide catch springs in five packs as they always got lost or bent it seemed.

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