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,38 Special loads

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,38 Special loads Empty ,38 Special loads

Post by Kermit Workman 2/12/2017, 8:07 pm

I did some ransom rest testing recently and will pass along the results. The pistol was a S&W model 14-6 at 50 yards. All the groups showed some vertical stringing so I may have something going on with my Ransom Rest or support. I did not make any attempts to clean the bore between groups. All groups were shot with 3.5 gns. of WST. I have found that to be a good load in the past. All groups were 10 shots.
 The first group was a RCBS 158 RN cast bullet The bullet was sized .3577. The group size was 2 1/4" by 3 1/2". There was no cluster of bullets.
 The same bullet sized .3582" shot a group of 2 1/2" by 2 3/4" with 7 of the bullets in a 1 3/4 group. From previous experience my .358 Star sizing die was actually .3577. I honed it out to make it a little larger for my .3572 bore. The .0005 diameter increase seemed to help from this range session.
 Next I powder coated the same RCBS bullet. I don't know the actual diameter of those bullets and I can't remember what I sized them to before powder coating. I know the diameter varies because the thickness of the coat varies. I used the shake and bake method to apply the coat. The group was 2' by 3 1/4". & of the bulllets were 1 1/4". One flyer to the left and 2 high flyers opened the group up. So I think powder coating shows promise but no real advantage over conventional lubing.
 The next group was with a NOE 360 158 SWC. NOE makes 2 SWC bullets at 158 grains. This bullet has 2 grease grooves. The other mold they make is a "Keith" mold with one grease groove. These were sized at .3682". 8 bullets were in a 1 1/2" group, 9 bullets in a 1 15/16 group. One low flyer opened it up to 3".
 The next group was the NOE bullet, same load except these were tumbled lube with two coats of Lee Liquid Alox, Johnson paste wax and mineral spirits. This is suppose to be the bees knees of tumble lube. The group was 2 1/2" by 2 3/4". There were no cluster of shots but still a 100 on the slow fire target.
 The last group was with Zero bullets 158 SWC at .358" That group was 1 3/4" by 3 1/8". 
 A couple of comments. There could be several reasons for the vertical stringing. The rest or rest support, The grip inserts are older than the rest of my inserts. They show some wear. The forcing cones of my revolver vary from about 357 to .3583. I made no effort to use particular cylinders.
 Powder coating showed promise. Advantages are: You can increase bullet diameter if the mold is too small. Inexpensive initial cost, For $25.00 and a used toaster oven you can powder coat. Sizing could be done by a push through sizer. The bullet bases are more uniform than cast. I set the bullets on their bases to coat and the powder coating makes a flat base.

Kermit Workman

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Age : 69
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,38 Special loads Empty Re: ,38 Special loads

Post by Chris Miceli 2/12/2017, 8:49 pm

Should of tried some magtech,American eagle,Remington 158 lrn for comparison

Chris Miceli

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,38 Special loads Empty Re: ,38 Special loads

Post by Magload 2/12/2017, 9:00 pm

I use Federal Gold Match as my standard comparison for my Ransom Rest.  That is what Les Baer tested my wad gun with.  I did a dry fire test with my R1 with the KC rolling trigger and a MantisX mounted on the gun.  Was supersized how careful you need to be with the RR trigger bar. Don

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,38 Special loads Empty Re: ,38 Special loads

Post by Chris Miceli 2/12/2017, 9:03 pm

Magload wrote:I use Federal Gold Match as my standard comparison for my Ransom Rest.  That is what Les Baer tested my wad gun with.  I did a dry fire test with my R1 with the KC rolling trigger and a MantisX mounted on the gun.  Was supersized how careful you need to be with the RR trigger bar. Don
Your les baer 38 special revolver?

Chris Miceli

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,38 Special loads Empty Re: ,38 Special loads

Post by james r chapman 2/12/2017, 9:13 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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,38 Special loads Empty Re: ,38 Special loads

Post by Magload 2/13/2017, 9:55 am

Chris Miceli wrote:
Magload wrote:I use Federal Gold Match as my standard comparison for my Ransom Rest.  That is what Les Baer tested my wad gun with.  I did a dry fire test with my R1 with the KC rolling trigger and a MantisX mounted on the gun.  Was supersized how careful you need to be with the RR trigger bar. Don
Your les baer 38 special revolver?
Sorry I was referring to the Ransom Rest results. The op commented on having a vertical string.  Don

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2016-11-18
Age : 78
Location : NE Florida

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