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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? Empty Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

Post by Aprilian 2/13/2017, 9:23 pm

I had problems with case damage (I made a post over in Ammo) and found the extra mags I had purchased were not an exact match and they don't have the same shape feed lips.   
The mags I am trying to match are Wilson Combat that came with a used Les Baer Wad gun.   

the one I am trying to match is on the bottom here and you can see the lip flare difference
Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? 8B37B1B1-165C-4826-BBEF-223FFF6AA4DB_zpsiuccfb93

the original is on the left below and you can see more of the difference in how much less material the original has.   I looked and it did not look like someone had modified it
Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? 56B7F005-315E-42E0-96EF-AF6BA463CB86_zpswpagjizl

Does anyone recognize the version of Mag I am trying to match?  Any idea where to purchase a few more?

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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? Empty Re: Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

Post by Simonpie 2/13/2017, 10:14 pm

This isn't exactly going to answer your question. 
I also recently got a used Les Baer Wadgun.  The Les Baer magazine had regular fail-to-fires.  I picked up 2 Ed Brown Magazines, simply because the on-line reviews were good.   They have been flawless for a couple hundred rounds now.
The biggest difference I noticed was a stiffer spring in the Ed Brown mags.


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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? Empty Re: Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

Post by Chris Miceli 2/13/2017, 10:43 pm

just go buy some metalform magazines....

Chris Miceli

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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? Empty Re: Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

Post by Aprilian 2/14/2017, 6:25 am

Wilson Combat say they were modified and aren't as produced.  I lll be trying others then.

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Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match? Empty Re: Wilson Combat Mags - how to identify and find exact match?

Post by jglenn21 2/14/2017, 8:49 am

Bottom mag has the feed lips bent outward.. both are bullseye type feed lips.

I'd suggest you find a set of hybrid feed lip mags such as metalforms..  do a Google search for a 1911 magazine feed lips and you will find examples of the three styles

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