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1911 Trigger

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1911 Trigger Empty 1911 Trigger

Post by rich.tullo Thu 16 Feb - 8:55

I have many 1911's and two; my match 22lr and my old Madore have a tiny bit of creep early in the trigger pull. Feels like the breaking of one small cornflake early in the trigger pull. I cleaned everything so it's not dirt. 

On one, the disconnector looks a little worn (and a mim part) so I was thinking about changing my sear and disconnector with EGW or C&S parts. Both hammers look good but may need to be freshened up. 


1) Can they just drop in? If not. 
2) What tools will I need to do a proper job? I see there are a number of jigs that help with proper fit. 
I do not want to do anything fancy just nice light crisp trigger one for a 22lr and one for a 45acp.

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1911 Trigger Empty Re: 1911 Trigger

Post by Tim:H11 Thu 16 Feb - 9:21

If the "breaking of a cornflake" feeling could also be discribed as a click early or in the beginning of the trigger pull then I suppose it could be possible that your disconnector is worn down some and you could be experiencing "disconnector click". Something easily solvable with a new or larger disconnector. I experienced this problem once and a bigger disconnector solved it. Thanks to a recommendation from a smith on this forum. The faulty part was a Colt MIM disconnector. 

If your problem is in the sear, or hammer, then you may be better off having a gunsmith do it. All sears will drop in but not give you the trigger you expect. They have to be mated to the hammer. I burnt up quite a few cheap sears learning how to do 1911 triggers that were safe and pleasing. The job requires a good quality jig, stones, and tools to measure hammer hook depth with. 

I like and use the power custom series one stoning fixture. And I've been able to get by with Colt Carbon Nickel MIM sears. I'm sure others may recommend something better for a sear. But on a budget thy work for me.

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1911 Trigger Empty Re: 1911 Trigger

Post by willnewton Thu 16 Feb - 9:42

You may have a small burr on the frame that is dragging against your trigger group.  Could be in the trigger track or disconnector hole or even the trigger and trigger frame.

You can also check over the mating surfaces with a magnifying glass or loupe.  Even though you can't feel it, in the right light, you may catch a glimpse of a "white edge" or glint where a small burr or ding is.

I have had better luck replacing low end stock parts with good parts and maintaining them, rather than trying to make low end stock parts perform as well as nicely made ones.  The turd polish wears away pretty quickly.

"Drop in" is a nice marketing term, sometimes they will, sometimes they won't, sometimes you just need a few file swipes.

Last edited by willnewton on Thu 16 Feb - 9:44; edited 1 time in total

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1911 Trigger Empty Re: 1911 Trigger

Post by rich.tullo Thu 16 Feb - 9:42


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1911 Trigger Empty Re: 1911 Trigger

Post by jglenn21 Thu 16 Feb - 10:52

a lot of cheap disconnectors are too short.. EGW( best OOB fit), STI, and E2 ( same makers as C&S) disconnectors are of proper length.. probably others but those are the ones I use.

changing sears may well cause you to replace your thumb safety or at least fit it again..

more often than not a slight creep for me is the hammer hooks need attention..

you also can always try boosting the trigger a  few times to see if that clears the issue. might save you a trip to the smith.

Not a fan of MIM sears (I have a few broken example to remind me)

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1911 Trigger Empty Re: 1911 Trigger

Post by rich.tullo Thu 16 Feb - 11:07

Thanks,  EGW disco looks like the best idea for my 22lr.

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