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High Standard Victor Rebarrel

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High Standard Victor Rebarrel Empty High Standard Victor Rebarrel

Post by TAB Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:51 pm

What are the pros or cons of replacing the barrel on a 1975 Hamden, CT Victor with a new barrel from HS Texas? I presume the new barrels are compatible with the CT frames, but do not know that for sure. I have heard the CT barrels were a bit on the soft side.

Secondly, what is the difference between a regular Victor barrel and a 10X barrel?

And, can you retrofit a 10X barrel on a 1975 Victor frame?

Thanks for any info and guidance.



Posts : 51
Join date : 2015-01-19

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High Standard Victor Rebarrel Empty Re: High Standard Victor Rebarrel

Post by Jack H Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:42 pm

Barrel alternatives:




I have all 3 above barrels and the Houston 10X as well.  All are good barrels.  If weight was a concern, go with the Alumalite. 

10X mounted and Alumalite ready to go
High Standard Victor Rebarrel OPA003

High Standard Victor Rebarrel CPCbarrel

There is a small chance any of them can need fit adjustment.  It depends on your frame and plunger setup.  I have had no trouble.  
The sight configuration only will dictate what barrels go where.  Notice the two slides in the one picture.  The big sight will not go under the dot sight.
Jack H
Jack H

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High Standard Victor Rebarrel Empty Re: High Standard Victor Rebarrel

Post by kc.crawford.7 Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:57 am

You can "save" your barrel and get in touch with Alex Hamilton of 10 Ring Precision and have your original barrel relined.
https://www.tenring.com/ruger-mark-ii-govt-model-rimfire-22-accuracy/  about 2/3 down on the page.

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Location : Maysville, NC


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High Standard Victor Rebarrel Empty Re: High Standard Victor Rebarrel

Post by TAB Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:15 pm

Thank you gentlemen. Options I did not know about.



Posts : 51
Join date : 2015-01-19

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