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?S Fitting a bull barrel

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?S Fitting a bull barrel Empty ?S Fitting a bull barrel

Post by igolfat8 2/23/2017, 7:00 pm

I read a thread on here a while back where Jerry and Jon and others were discussing that bull barrels could be fit to be as accurate or possibly even more accurate than a bushing barrel. How does one fit the muzzle end? Do you order an oversize barrel and turn the OD down to fit the hole in the slide or is there a standard one size fits all? Is it safe to assume fitting the breach end is typically the same process on both barrel types?


Posts : 163
Join date : 2013-04-06

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?S Fitting a bull barrel Empty Re: ?S Fitting a bull barrel

Post by Jon Eulette 2/23/2017, 7:29 pm

Jerry fabricates his own barrels so his method will be different than the masses. Basically the commoner uses standard barrel and has it threaded for oversized cone bushing. Fit barrel hood and lugs then cone last. I'm of the opinion that one is not better than the other. I personally prefer a bushing.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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?S Fitting a bull barrel Empty Re: ?S Fitting a bull barrel

Post by igolfat8 2/23/2017, 7:34 pm

Thanks for the feedback Jon. I just acquired a 2011 pistol that doesn't have a cone. It uses a KKM bull barrel.


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?S Fitting a bull barrel Empty Re: ?S Fitting a bull barrel

Post by kc.crawford.7 2/24/2017, 5:41 am

Jerry uses a cone not a bull barrel.  Measure the slide bore and true as required, then turn the end of the cone to .0005 or so of the slide bore to give a nice snug fit in the slide when locked up.  Fitting the barrel hood is the same as always.

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Location : Maysville, NC


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