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Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by Oleg G 2/27/2017, 7:03 am

I have a Sig 1911 XO and would like to install a slide mount for a red dot. I read that the top of the Sig slide is different from standard 1911. This is the only 1911 I have, so no base for a comparison.
If anyone knows which slide mount would fit a Sig 1911, I would be greatful for the information. Otherwise, my only option is either a grip mount (which I have now) or a frame mount.

Oleg G
Oleg G

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by cdrt 2/27/2017, 7:45 am

Just give Marvel Custom Guns a call.  They should be able to answer the question.  Looking at the photos, their slide mount should work, but they would know.

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by willnewton 2/27/2017, 7:54 am

Oleg, if no one has a satisfactory response sooner, I will check in a couple of days.  I have some spare RRA slide mounts and even a Weigand frame mount and my shooting buddy has a SIG Super Target.  I can check the fit and see what is up.  Thursday night at the latest, but probably tomorrow if I can make it to the range (he works there).

Looking at the pics of an XO, it doesn't look too off, maybe the top radius is different.

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by Oleg G 2/27/2017, 7:55 am

Thanks, willnewton, the top radius is the main difference, I think.

Oleg G
Oleg G

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by zanemoseley 2/27/2017, 3:07 pm

Do you have a Sig Traditional 1911 or one with the modified radius?


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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

Post by Oleg G 2/27/2017, 3:11 pm

It's this one. I believe that it has the modified radius.

Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer 15178213_336857500018273_7126970874224071470_n
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Advice  needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer Empty Re: Advice needed: Slide mount on the 1911 Sig Sauer

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