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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Chris Miceli
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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by dieselguy624 3/3/2017, 8:07 pm

I shoot mainly indoor .22 at 50'.  Our club holds the Regional Sectional every year & I've shot it 9 times now and should have scored well enough to move up to expert.  Do I need to call the NRA and request them to review my scores cause it sure ain't automatic.


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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by dronning 3/3/2017, 8:31 pm

dieselguy624 wrote:I shoot mainly indoor .22 at 50'.  Our club holds the Regional Sectional every year & I've shot it 9 times now and should have scored well enough to move up to expert.
I'm not sure about 22 only classifications, someone else will have to speak to that.

You need to shoot at least 360 event shots to qualify for reclassification see page 49 19.16 Establishing Classification.

When you say mainly are you shooting other matches between the sectionals where you score may have been lower?  It's always the last 360 and remember the NRA enters them as they receive them so many league scores don't show up until the end of the season.

If nothing else got to Competitor activity site and look at you activity, print it out and send it into the NRA for a classification change.

- Dave

Last edited by dronning on 3/4/2017, 7:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by Chris Miceli 3/3/2017, 8:47 pm

360 to requal isn't always true. It's a minimum of 360 for me as an example I shot a 2700 last year. My next match be it 900,1800, or 2700 will average with that last match

Chris Miceli

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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by john bickar 3/3/2017, 10:48 pm

You can enter a tournament in your classification, or any higher classification that you wish, except for HM. I'd suggest that you read the rule book.

TL;DR: enter as an Expert.
john bickar
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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by cdrt 3/4/2017, 7:24 am

We have a shooter who had not shot a match in over three years.  When I checked his classification online, it showed he had been dropped and is now unclassified.  He was an Expert indoors.  He has shot two registered matches since then for a total of 180 shots.  I have had him fill out a temporary classification book, but his scores put him in the Sharpshooter class.  He is disappointed that he is not shooting Expert scores, since that is what he wants to shoot as in our Sectional that is coming up in a couple of weeks.  I have told him repeatedly that he can shoot in a higher class if he wants to, but he is not understanding.

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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by BE Mike 3/4/2017, 12:30 pm

Better trigger control!
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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by C.Perkins 3/4/2017, 5:59 pm

When I lived and shooting in Phoenix, AZ the only indoor .22 matches I shot in were the once a year NRA sectional.
Took three years to get a classification.
Three 900's match with three 300's team = 3600 total.
Received my Master indoor card.

Make sure the scores are reported to the NRA.
Keep track of all your scores in a log book; you can use that until you get a card.

I have to ask; has it been nine years of shooting indoor .22 and you still have no updated qualification card ?

If so; get a hold of the NRA and find out why.

Good luck;

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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by dieselguy624 3/4/2017, 8:05 pm

I have shot a few 900 indoor matches where I didn't do great mostly upper 700s. But most of the sectionals have been 820s-850s.  The last 2 matches, one in Feb & the sectional this past Thurs was 820s-830s. I'll wait till these last couple matches get inputted by the NRA & see what happens.


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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by dieselguy624 3/31/2017, 8:39 am

Lo and behold an Expert card with my name on it showed up in the mail yesterday!


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What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? Empty Re: What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class?

Post by C.Perkins 3/31/2017, 5:10 pm

Congratulations  What does take to get the NRA to move you up a class? 2935285009

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