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nice light loads

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nice light loads Empty nice light loads

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/14/2012, 10:35 pm

Been doin some playin around with light loads with 200gr heads , And as long as I stay with a 200 everything performs nicely......3.5BE was the standard load before red dots but my gun will function it fine with a dot and a 11-12 lb spring ,cases go about 2foot and hit the divider between the lanes and the slide locks back every time....I havent shoot it rested yet but it appears to shoot as well as I can hold .....I also worked with 3.6grs Clays ....Clays fills the case more and is a faster powder than BE so I get a little more case distance on ejection .The Clays load I have shot rested and it produces nice round 1'' groups @ 25yds which is the same as 3.8BE will do ....I know you guys are pretty consistent on the 3.8-4.0 number's with both powders and Thats my plan for 50yds ...But the lighter loads are allowing me to recover better for timed and rapid and at least with the Clays load of 3.6 I know my gun like's it...Not trying to reinvent the wheel as all the info you guys have passed on to me as been spot on...I got the idea to try this 3.5BE load from a bullet caster and he said it was one of his favorite loads and I can see why...it was what I needed to help me with timed and rapid....Today I was able to pull off a 10shot timed fire all black which was a first for me with the .45 with the 3.5BE load and last week I shot my best slow fire 10shots all 9's and 10's with the 3.6 clays of course all this is at 25yds as I havent made it outsude yet but when I do I have plenty of 3.8 BE rds loaded up with 200's to ply with....my gun seems to show a preferance for 200's and I'm OK with that but with the standard 3.8-3.9 loads I really struggle to have enought time for T&R so I need to cheat alittle for awhile while my form with the .45 progress.....these loads may not work for the guys with the high dallor tight fit customs but for my RO they seem fine......Its supposed to be nice staurday so I may feel the need to pack a range bag on the HArley and drive to the outdoor range and see how bad I am @ 50yds If I can hold the black or close to it for my first attempt I'll be happy....


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Age : 59
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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by gulliver62 3/16/2012, 6:38 am

You never know what might work best for you.
I started at 3.7 BE behind the 185 for the short line and as I have become comfortable that 10 seconds is forever I have bumped up to 4.0 as it seems to give a little better group and function in my gun after it was rebuilt.
At the short line accuracy is important but function maybe moreso. An aliby is a killer for me.
50yd is trickier and I have been wussing out and shooting Atlanta Arms at the moment but picked up 1000 185g Nosler CC to start the experimenting again.

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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/16/2012, 7:57 am

I was able to shoot that 3.5BE load before work yesterday ,rested over sand bags @ 25yds and I shot 2 -5 shot groups ...the 1st group cut a nice round hole of about 3/4's of a inch and the second group cut a clover leaf with 3 rds and the last 2 when thru the hole .I measured outside to outside on the groupings...so I'm satisfied ..The 3.6 Clays load was right At a 1'' ....For 50yds I'll use 3.8BE or 3.8 Clays as they both also shot right at or just under 1'' @ 25...when I was trying 180gr heads at 4.0 BE they also shot right at 1'' or a tad less....but for some reason my gun gets better function with the 200gr heads...so thats what I'm goin with....I should have a order of heads show up today and if thats the case I can load some after work and hopefully get a chance to go to the range this weekend ..but with the warmer weather all the rifle shooters have had the lanes locked up . But I am kinda wondering how I can do At 50yds...I'm sure my firist attemp aint gonna be a target I'm proud of.....but thats part of it.


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Age : 59
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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by Steve B 3/16/2012, 11:13 am

Don't let the distance bother you. Yes, it's 3x further than the 50' indoor targets, but the scoring rings are more than 3x larger.

Steve B

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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by davekp 3/17/2012, 5:59 am

The're BULLETS, not Heads.


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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by Rob Kovach 3/17/2012, 6:38 pm

The're BULLETS, not Heads.

Fine! It's "They're" not "The're"
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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nice light loads Empty Re: nice light loads

Post by davekp 3/18/2012, 7:39 am

I stand corrected on my spelling.


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Join date : 2011-06-11

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