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When to pull the trigger

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When to pull the trigger Empty When to pull the trigger

Post by troystaten Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:05 pm

I was watching a couple of bulleye shooters I know who are light years better than I am shoot and I noticed that they would elevate the pistol from the bench, hold the pistol and pull the trigger, the question I had is that they seemed to pull the trigger anywhere from 15-30 seconds after they elevated the pistol but the pistol seemed to be steadiest during the first 5-10 seconds.  I was wondering if I should be trying to pull the trigger sooner in my shooting process or if I do not like the site picture lower the pistol and try again.  Obviously that would not work for rapid fire.  



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Join date : 2012-04-19

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When to pull the trigger Empty Re: When to pull the trigger

Post by DavidR Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:08 pm

Whatever works for you the best, some can hold for what seems like ever and get a good shot others seem to fire before the gun is even up all the way. The right or wrong way is determined by the holes in your target

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When to pull the trigger Empty Re: When to pull the trigger

Post by troystaten Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:15 pm

Thanks David, the majority of the holes in the target are where they are supposed to be but I still have to many crappy shots.  I know more practice and more dry firing will help.  Would be nice to have eyes and a body that where 30 years younger as well but that last part is not going to happen.


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Join date : 2012-04-19

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When to pull the trigger Empty Re: When to pull the trigger

Post by Tim:H11 Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:52 pm

I was always taught anything over 7 or 8 seconds was too long and the shot was lost. Too many tremors by then and your brain has gotten too involved. That being said I hold for anywhere from 7 to 14 or 15 seconds. Drives my mentor nuts.

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When to pull the trigger Empty Re: When to pull the trigger

Post by Ed Hall Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:02 pm

You might want to read through Nygord's Notes, especially the one on:

Releasing the Shot

The rest are on the same page.

Ed Hall

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