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Tune up intervals

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Tune up intervals Empty Tune up intervals

Post by Warhorse 3/28/2017, 8:08 am

My Les Baer .45 wadgun is just now starting to run really well after 1000 rounds.

The question I have is how many rounds can I reasonably expect to get out of this gun before it will need a tune up?


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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Wobbley 3/28/2017, 11:03 am

With normal bullseye loads, adequate lubrication and adequate cleaning. 5 to ten seasons of practice and matches say two to four thousand rounds per year,

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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Chris Miceli 3/28/2017, 11:33 am

im pretty sure I've read that Mr. Keefer rebarrel one of his shooters gun every year just so he doesn't have to clean them.

Chris Miceli

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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Warhorse 3/28/2017, 8:49 pm

Wobbley wrote:With normal bullseye loads, adequate lubrication and adequate cleaning. 5 to ten seasons of practice and matches say two to four thousand rounds per year,
10000-40000 Rounds

That's quite a spread.


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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Wobbley 3/28/2017, 9:41 pm

Without knowing the components, your loads, and your care regimen, not to mention who built it; its kinda hard to get specific.

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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Keyholed 3/29/2017, 4:17 am

Indeed. Different fitting methods produce different results and different expected lifetimes for slides, barrels, trigger components, etc.


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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Warhorse 3/29/2017, 6:46 am

As I stated, this is a Les Baer produced wadcutter gun that I purchased brand new.

Do they use different fitting methods and components from gun to gun?

I load 185gr LWC at 4.1gr Bullseye, and 185gr JHP at 4.6gr with the same Bullseye powder.


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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Wobbley 3/29/2017, 9:25 am

For a Les Baer I would expect 15000 to 20000.  A Clark, or Crawford, or any "name" bullseye smith 25000 to 30000,   But, again, if you neglect to lube and maintain it, you can easily cut the life in half.  If the oil isn't dripping off, you need to apply more.

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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by dronning 3/29/2017, 9:48 am

Warhorse wrote:As I stated, this is a Les Baer produced wadcutter gun that I purchased brand new.

Do they use different fitting methods and components from gun to gun?

I load 185gr LWC at 4.1gr Bullseye, and 185gr JHP at 4.6gr with the same Bullseye powder.

Yes a Les Baer (I own several) is mostly hand filed and fitted verses being done on a CNC machine.  Machine work is superior if done (set up) correctly and can last X times longer before a tune up is required.  Also Les Baers have several different smiths at different stations working on your gun, more chances for variation, variation and longevity are at odds with each other.  I have one LB that has 20,000 rounds through it and it's still holds nearly the same group as when it was new.  Another one only has 5K rounds through it and it has become noticeably sloppy and the groups are starting to open up, this gun was extremely tight when new.
- Dave

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Tune up intervals Empty Re: Tune up intervals

Post by Warhorse 3/29/2017, 1:49 pm

dronning wrote:
Warhorse wrote:As I stated, this is a Les Baer produced wadcutter gun that I purchased brand new.

Do they use different fitting methods and components from gun to gun?

I load 185gr LWC at 4.1gr Bullseye, and 185gr JHP at 4.6gr with the same Bullseye powder.

Yes a Les Baer (I own several) is mostly hand filed and fitted verses being done on a CNC machine.  Machine work is superior if done (set up) correctly and can last X times longer before a tune up is required.  Also Les Baers have several different smiths at different stations working on your gun, more chances for variation, variation and longevity are at odds with each other.  I have one LB that has 20,000 rounds through it and it's still holds nearly the same group as when it was new.  Another one only has 5K rounds through it and it has become noticeably sloppy and the groups are starting to open up, this gun was extremely tight when new.
- Dave
Ahh, I see now, thank you for your answer.


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