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Optics Planet has Red Dots on sale - 12% off

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Optics Planet has Red Dots on sale - 12% off Empty Optics Planet has Red Dots on sale - 12% off

Post by Oleg G Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:15 pm

For those who are interested, OpticsPlanet has Red Dots on sale with 12% off.

I just bought the original 1" Ultradot for less than $120. In addition, if you call them using the number in the red banner which appears above the item, you can talk them into free 2-day shipping, which I did. They also have free 2-day shipping for some other sights but without the discount.

Oleg G
Oleg G

Posts : 609
Join date : 2016-05-12
Location : North-Eastern PA

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