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148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ?

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148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ? Empty 148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ?

Post by rebs 3/31/2017, 6:54 am

Are these bullets all swagged or are some cast ? Are swagged bullets more accurate than cast for target shooting loads ?


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148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ? Empty Re: 148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ?

Post by Wobbley 3/31/2017, 7:08 am

If your strictly speaking Hollow Base WC then they are all staged now. The cast WC are usually the DE variety. 

Swaged lead are generally more accurate.

That's not to say cast bullets aren't accurate or have a use.  I use them for practice.

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148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ? Empty Re: 148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ?

Post by desben 4/3/2017, 6:35 pm

I shoot at 20 or 25 yards most of the time. At that distance, cast DEWC are just as accurate in my revolver. They are much cheaper. When it comes to reloading 38 special, I like the information provided by Ed Harris. You'll find posts where he states that the Remington HBWC are more accurate. But he also says he gets sub-2" groups at 50 yards with his cast DEWC. That's good enough for me.

In the slow-fire target below, I blame the 9 on my index finger, not the cast bullet.
148 gr LHBWC's cast or swagged ? 33668599072_2b99789eef_o

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