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Keep it or help out a buddy

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Keep it or help out a buddy

Post by trapshooter72 4/2/2017, 10:08 am

I had a Kart barrel and bushing fit up to my Colt GCNM by Derr Percision( great customer service, btw).  As it turns out a friend of mine somehow bulged the barrel in his Gold cup and mention he was in need of a barrel. Should I offer him up mine( which is like new)? Or should I keep it with my original gun? If so what is a fair value?
Thnx Brad


Posts : 28
Join date : 2017-02-05

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Re: Keep it or help out a buddy

Post by Wobbley 4/2/2017, 10:27 am

There is the thought that if you keep the barrel you can restore it for "collector value".  But there really isn't much premium for Gold Cup series 70 and 80 pistols.  They made so many.  There is for the pre-Series 70 guns so if it's one of thos....

Maybe your buddy should also consider sending it off to have a proper barrel fit job...

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Re: Keep it or help out a buddy

Post by james r chapman 4/2/2017, 4:52 pm

Give it up.
Support the sport.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Re: Keep it or help out a buddy

Post by BE Mike 4/3/2017, 8:06 am

If you give him yours, how would you feel if he bulges that one too? I assume he bulged the first one with his own reloads?Evil or Very Mad
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Re: Keep it or help out a buddy

Post by trapshooter72 4/3/2017, 9:32 am

We shot together yesterday, I offered it to him, but he has decided to have it rebarelled. So that takes care of that! Lol Thanks for the input for those who responded.


Posts : 28
Join date : 2017-02-05

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Keep it or help out a buddy Empty Re: Keep it or help out a buddy

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