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So how did i manage to do this?

Jon Eulette
Chris Miceli
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So how did i manage to do this? Empty So how did i manage to do this?

Post by zanemoseley 4/8/2017, 8:28 pm

So i went to the range today with my Les Baer, recently put a new firing pin, firing pin stop and extractor. Shot probably 500 rounds since putting in these parts, had a couple issues getting the extractor tweaked.

I started with some ball and dummy training. The dummies were normal rounds minus powder ans primer. About 20 rounds in i get a failure to feed, i try to fix it then I look up and the extractor is hanging out the back of the pistol and the slide stop fell out onto the ground. Then I look closer and the firing pin is stuck forward about 1/4". Ends up the pin was stuck forward and bent, it was Hell getting it out, ended up throwing it in the bin when I finally got it out.

So how did this happen. I can't see an issue using dummy rounds without a primer, wouldn't this be the same as dry firing?

I guess somehow the pin got stuck forward then when I was clearing a malfunction and putting a magazine in I managed to bend the pin which really got the pin stuck forward. Now there was nothing keeping the pin stop in with the slide back.

Any clues how I managed to do this? The Les Baer uses the smaller 9mm/38 super pin but not sure this makes a difference.


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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by Wobbley 4/8/2017, 8:41 pm

You did this by not using a primer.  The 1911 firing pin is tapered and the taper is shallow enough to wedge into a hole.  With no primer, the firing pin will protrude enough to wedge.  

When making up dummies, I fill the case with Silicone caulk then seat the bullet.  The stuff that oozes out the base after sitting a wile is cut off to make a rubber primer.  I use nickeled cases for them so they don't get all groady in use.

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by Chris Miceli 4/8/2017, 8:46 pm

Your firing pin got stuck in the flash hole

Chris Miceli

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by zanemoseley 4/8/2017, 8:49 pm

Ahh didn't think about the flash hole. I figured it would be the same think as dry firing bit the flash hole opens up new possibilities.


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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by Jon Eulette 4/8/2017, 9:39 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:Your firing pin got stuck in the flash hole

My guess as well. We dry fire bazillions of rds and firing pin doesn't get stuck forward!!!
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by willnewton 4/9/2017, 7:24 am

My first guess is that you firing pin passage was full of gunk.  It functioning fine until there was one more piece of gunk in there than would allow function.  Once that happened, it did not retract, then you had a traffic jam as the next case tried to lever the old one out, bending your pin.

A 9mm pin has a smaller hole to prevent some flashback through the firing pin passage, this smaller hole can get clogged easier.

As Jon says, there is no reason for it to be stuck forward, except dirt or poor installation.  

Installation issues could also be a factor since you have a firing pin stop fitted loose enough to fall out of the gun.  A loose fit allows movement and there may have been burrs around the firing pin hole or on the pin. Possibly what actually happened is the pin moved forward, the FPS dropped a bit, then your pin was stuck forward and chaos ensued.

Last edited by willnewton on 4/9/2017, 7:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by Aprilian 4/9/2017, 7:39 am

My LB has a thinner diameter pin than a lot of replacement pins.   Did you check to see if your replacement was the same diameter as the original?

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by AllAces 4/9/2017, 9:53 am

When I make dummy rounds, I glue a piece of pink pencil eraser in the primer hole. This provides enough resistance to keep the firing pin from moving too far forward and easily identifies the round as a dummy. I have also placed some bb's in the round to approximate the weight of a live round. The rattle of the bb's also helps identify the round as a dummy.

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So how did i manage to do this? Empty Re: So how did i manage to do this?

Post by 243winxb 4/9/2017, 10:19 am

The inertia firing pin goes till it hits something. Or sticks in the flash hole.

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