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Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them?

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Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them? Empty Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them?

Post by bdas 4/10/2017, 4:26 pm

I have a pair of the small overlays (not the full-target ones), but want to get a couple more sets; one for my son and one or two sets for use when coaching juniors.

The ones I have show 2 concentric rings for each caliber, which I like because it makes it easier to center over the hole in the paper, especially when the paper gets ripped or the hole is partially eclipsed by one or more other holes (assuming the shooter you're scoring isn't using wadcutters).  The ones I have also have the short curve segments, so you can use one overlay to re-create the missing part of the ring, and the other one to put over the bullet hole.  But all the ones I found for sale today have either the ring curve segments, or the double-rings for each caliber, but not both (except, oddly, the 22 rings always seem to have the double rings).

Any idea where to find ones that have the double rings for all calibers AND the ring curve segments?  I thought I got mine from Champions Choice, but their website currently shows the single-ring version.

Or, do you have a favorite overlay or overlay feature?  If so, do you know where to get them from?

Here's where I looked today:

Champions Choice - $7.00, single rings - http://www.champchoice.com/store/Main.aspx?p=ItemDetailOptions&item=SO10

Bullseye Gear - $4.75, single rings, and out of stock - http://www.bullseyegear.com/bullseyepistol/product.php?productid=112&cat=7&page=1

Creedmoor Sports - $2.50 double rings, no edges - https://www.creedmoorsports.com/product/PISTOL-SCORING-OVERLAY/shop-by-department

Larry's Guns - $4.00, single rings - http://www.larrysguns.com/Products/Scoring-overlay__SCORINGOVER.aspx

Champions Shooters Supply - don't seem to have them - http://www.championshooters.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=110&Itemid=111

Killough  - doesn't seem to have them
Shooter's Connection - doesn't seem to have them
Distinguished Precision - doesn't seem to have them



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Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them? Empty Re: Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them?

Post by Chris Miceli 4/10/2017, 6:00 pm

I have the one from champ choice and one like the creedmore togeather it makes a good set

Chris Miceli

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Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them? Empty Re: Plastic Scoring Overlay - What's your favorite and where do you buy them?

Post by jglenn21 4/10/2017, 7:13 pm

had some like bullseye gears for many years..

you can also print your own larger ring overlays

this site has them


print them on transparency paper

these really helps when you are scoring the short line for a master shooter

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