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200gr LSWC - Most uniform

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200gr LSWC - Most uniform Empty 200gr LSWC - Most uniform

Post by sklarcpa 3/30/2012, 9:07 am

Fellow bullseye shooters,

I'm interested in buying some .45 200gr LSWC that are very consistent in weight, uniformity, etc.

Could you guys list some manufacturers you have used or experimented with that make some of the highest quality 200gr LSWC.

I'm looking to use these only for matches and want bullets that are very close in weight and on average have minimal imperfections with their shape.

I know you can find some that are cheaper and that is fine for practice but I'm looking for the better quality cast bullets to use in matches where you don't mind paying more to get the quality bullet.

Let me hear from you on some casters that would be worth taking a look at for .45 200 LSWC.

Thanks !!

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200gr LSWC - Most uniform Empty Re: 200gr LSWC - Most uniform

Post by jakuda 3/30/2012, 3:18 pm

Buy swaged.
Magnus Bullets is a great source.


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200gr LSWC - Most uniform Empty Re: 200gr LSWC - Most uniform

Post by Paper-Puncher 3/30/2012, 3:33 pm

Alot of guys here use Zero & Magnus . I myself have had good luck with Magnus and lately I have been useing Penn Match grades , which are said to be a small batch bullet with their weight held to less than 1gr in weight. I have weight them myself on a dillion scale and I find the claim to be true


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200gr LSWC - Most uniform Empty Re: 200gr LSWC - Most uniform

Post by AllAces 3/30/2012, 4:56 pm

Penn Bullets, 200 gr LSWC, match grade. Good prices, consistent weights. Call and talk to Bob Palermo about your needs.

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200gr LSWC - Most uniform Empty Re: 200gr LSWC - Most uniform

Post by noylj 4/7/2012, 12:09 am

The most uniform would be the swaged bullets.

You can use Speer, Hornady, Precision Delta, or Zero.
However, be careful. In your search for uniformity, you may find that it bites
you in the “foot.”

Some of the most accurate cast bullets, besides my own using
either an H&G #68 or RCBS 452-201-KT mold, have been the “ugliest.”

The absolute most critical factor on a cast bullet is the
base. It must be filled-out completely with no wrinkles or dents that could let
gas blow-by. Even out to 50 yards, I just haven’t seen any advantage to being
overly critical about the appearance beyond making sure the bullet diameter is
0.452-0.452” and the base is perfect.

Some guns need a very hard bullet, possibly due to very
shallow grooves that a softer bullet can not “grab.” Some love the “button
nose” wadcutters and some will only perform well with the longer nose of the
classic H&G #68 and the various “copies.”

Let your gun tell you what it wants and don’t try to out
guess it.

For me, casting was the way to go and I found that as-cast
bullets, dropping at 0.453-0.4535”, were more accurate than any sized bullets I

I would, therefore, be more likely to request some as-cast
commercial bullets, sort them for diameter, lightly tumble lube with LLA, and
see what diameter my guns prefer. If your guns don’t do their best with 0.452”
bullets, they probably won’t do their best with swaged bullets that are almost
universally 0.452”, and some are actually more like 0.4515”.

Between the brands of swaged bullets, my guns prefer the
Zero bullets the best, and prefer the 200gn SWC over the 185gn SWCHP.

You might even want to try some Montana Gold or Zero 185gn


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