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Best target ever

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Best target ever Empty Best target ever

Post by Magload 5/3/2017, 6:34 pm

Today was my outdoor range day and I wanted to check my MD II settings on my 22 and 45 before the match Sunday.  Checked the Nelson first that was dialed in for 20yds indoors.  Didn't figure at 25yds there would be much difference.  Well shot the first string of 10 SF and wasn't seeing any holes in the target so figured they were in the black.  Walked forward and scored my first 95 4X.  I shoot in the low 70s normally so this was a big day.  I maybe starting to get the feel for this BE shooting.  Well the MD II setting was right and I have read and been told always quit on a good target not a bad one so you can walk away feel good.  So I put the Nelson back in the box after that 10 rounds and moved on to the next two guns with a smile on my face.  Don

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Age : 78
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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by VolScorpion 5/3/2017, 8:16 pm

Good work man. I find that the days that I go out and just shoot for fun, I shoot my best. Went out the other day and shot 10 SF shots. Treating each individual shot like the first shot of timed fire and was able to put up a 97-4x. Best my previous record by 1 point


Posts : 94
Join date : 2017-03-07

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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by rreid 5/3/2017, 8:24 pm

Topic should say, "best target so far."  Won't be long before you clean one.

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Join date : 2012-02-06

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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by LenV 5/3/2017, 8:28 pm

Sorry guys/gals. No pictures then it never happened Very Happy At least that is what I was always told.


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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by Magload 5/3/2017, 8:31 pm

VolScorpion wrote:Good work man. I find that the days that I go out and just shoot for fun, I shoot my best.  Went out the other day and shot 10 SF shots. Treating each individual shot like the first shot of timed fire and was able to put up a 97-4x. Best my previous record by 1 point
Thanks man I am still smiling. 
I wasn't paying attention to my shot procedure I did push the gun into my shooting hand with my off hand and maybe even breathed right on a couple of shots, but all in all I just let the dot enter the black and squeezed off the shot.  It all felt natural not forced like most of my shots.  I wish I could say the same about my 45 and 38 I shot next.  The 45 wasn't bad after some sight adjustment and did have a few tens.  The 52-2 was a different story and I will only say I adjusted the sights and fired 3 Xs in a row and the other 7 shots looked like buckshot from a 12 ga.  Don

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2016-11-18
Age : 78
Location : NE Florida

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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by Magload 5/3/2017, 8:33 pm

LenV wrote:Sorry guys/gals. No pictures then it never happened Very Happy At least that is what I was always told.

Len was that a picture of the target or my smile you wanted to see?  Don

Posts : 1173
Join date : 2016-11-18
Age : 78
Location : NE Florida

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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by Tim:H11 5/3/2017, 8:48 pm

Congrats! Keep at it! You'll be popping 95's on the regular in no time and after that better.

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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

Post by LenV 5/3/2017, 9:43 pm

Smile works

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Age : 74
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Best target ever Empty Re: Best target ever

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