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Any experience with Sig Romeo5?

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Any experience with Sig Romeo5? Empty Any experience with Sig Romeo5?

Post by javaduke 5/4/2017, 10:02 am

I'm looking for a reasonably inexpensive dot for my .22 conversion and came across the Sig Romeo5. The price is right, and I prefer 2MOA dots, so it looks like a good option. But I'm wondering if anyone actually has this dot and can tell me anything good or bad about it Smile


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Any experience with Sig Romeo5? Empty Re: Any experience with Sig Romeo5?

Post by Jon Eulette 5/4/2017, 11:15 am

Local shooter has one and really likes it.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Any experience with Sig Romeo5? Empty Re: Any experience with Sig Romeo5?

Post by jglenn21 5/4/2017, 12:57 pm

in that same price range check out the Holosun 403 series.. the 403B and 403GL have the same base as the Aimpoint H1.

I have 2 of them that have worked very well on both 22s and a slide mount 38 super

they all probably come out of the same Chinese factory...

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Any experience with Sig Romeo5? Empty Re: Any experience with Sig Romeo5?

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