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Keep an open mind

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Keep an open mind Empty Keep an open mind

Post by Mightyheb 5/10/2017, 6:27 pm

Keep an open mind Img_0312

I took my 10 year old daughter to the range for the first time.  She is head over heels about shooting.  She understands there are rules and that safety is always first.  She shot my Marvel on top of a 1911. Quite a heavy gun for a girl that weighs 65 pounds soaking wet.  Does anyone have any ideas for a 22 that would be more suitable for her little hands.  She is an elite gymnast so she is strong but if the wind blows too hard she will fall over Smile. By the way here is how she did at 15 feet

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by fpk 5/10/2017, 6:36 pm

Maybe a Ruger Mark IV, possibly the Lite version (25 oz).

And good for you teaching her. I started my daughters early, although only one is still interested.  Both know how to be safe around handguns. Only wish everyone would do the same.


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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Chris Miceli 5/10/2017, 6:40 pm

Browning makes a 85% percent to full size 1911 in 22

Chris Miceli

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/10/2017, 7:07 pm

This is mt 22/45 Lite NRA model and it is very light.  I put a VQ trigger assy in it and it  is fun to shoot.  Don
Keep an open mind Ruger_10

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Mightyheb 5/10/2017, 7:10 pm

That is cool looking Mag.  She likes the way that looks. She has little hands. Will that be a problem?

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Mightyheb 5/10/2017, 7:12 pm

Chris. Will that be too heavy for her?  Where can I see one of these?  Is there a website?

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/10/2017, 7:22 pm

Ruger's website but they do;t have the NRA model my gun range ordered it for me.  Also comes in blue or green on Ruger's site just with out the NRA logo.    You should be able to find one at a LGS for her to try.  I think it is a 1911 size grip.  Don

Appears Ruger is not selling them anymore now that the Mark IV is out.  There is 7 of them on Gunbroker.

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Chris Miceli 5/10/2017, 7:29 pm

Mightyheb wrote:Chris. Will that be too heavy for her?  Where can I see one of these?  Is there a website?



Chris Miceli

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/10/2017, 7:33 pm

It is a polmer frame  Weight 25 ozs  http://www.ruger.com/products/markIV2245Lite/specSheets/43909.html    Don

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Mightyheb 5/10/2017, 7:35 pm

Yeah Don

I saw the NRA model like yours on Gunbroker.  Nice looking.  I wish there were some places for her to try it.  I will have to check out some ranges but I'm doubtful

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by rreid 5/10/2017, 7:38 pm

Alloy frame for the marvel?  With an aluminum grip safety and composite mainspring housing it might be manageable.

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Mightyheb 5/10/2017, 7:52 pm

I have a Nelson 22 on order for 9 weeks now.......  I ended up buying another gun with a marvel on it. I was going to sell the Nelson but maybe I will let her use it. So are you talking about a complete build?  I am new to the different parts. I usually buy it already done

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by rreid 5/10/2017, 8:25 pm

Just an idea for something that would work with the marvel, if she likes it and shoots it well.  Would probably cost more than just buying a ruger or something, even if you built it yourself.    

A nelson has a steel shroud, and is heavier than a marvel. Comparable to a 45.

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by LenV 5/10/2017, 11:02 pm

Thinking outside the box I have a suggestion for you. How about a single action .22 in current production. Comes with 2 magazines and adjustable sights. The pistol weighs only about 17 oz and I personally have put 10 in the black with one at 25 yds. They don't look much like your stereotypical BE pistol but they are fun, light, accurate (kinda) and you can buy them at the corner store. My daughter well past 10 and way past 60lbs loves the one I bought her.

Keep an open mind 108390_01_lg_1
Brownells has them on sale for 279.00. Today with coupon they are 259.00    http://www.brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/m-p22-compact-3-56in-22-lr-black-10-1-sku100300389-92428-177447.aspx?sku=100300389&utm_medium=email&utm_source=marketo&utm_campaign=2017_05_10_firearms&utm_content=firearms&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpRM1kyWTROekEwWkRjMiIsInQiOiJoK1ZETDBmRW80eGt3QUx4SVYrOEY2T2hKVGMxcGpvbzVIWlpIWVhlUmJIRnhpaG1POVZRSXV1czRmSzBRV0RreXVnRlZWOGxWSmdYODNcL3pieHFpSVVDcGxSbkQyWGIrMFIyejJ5WUlXRlJQeHFcL0ZIZjNhUEdcLzA0NjJYbFhvKyJ9

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by john bickar 5/10/2017, 11:38 pm

You people are sick. SICK, I TELL YOU!

My parents introduced me to the bullseye drug at the age of 10 and look where it's led me!
john bickar
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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by mpolans 5/10/2017, 11:48 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:
Mightyheb wrote:Chris. Will that be too heavy for her?  Where can I see one of these?  Is there a website?


I'd also agree with the scaled down Browning 1911, especially if she has small hands. The controls are the same as a full size 1911, so she'll become familiar with them for when she gets a full size one, but she won't have to deal with having to shift her grip to reach the trigger on a full size 1911 frame, and possibly develop bad habits in the process. Another scaled down gun that is light and would be a good fit for small hands is a Walther P22.


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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Chris Miceli 5/11/2017, 5:53 am

john bickar wrote:You people are sick. SICK, I TELL YOU!

My parents introduced me to the bullseye drug at the age of 10 and look where it's led me!
What did you first start shooting w/ John?

Chris Miceli

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Jon Math 5/11/2017, 7:35 am

I’d give strong consideration to a Benelli MP95.  You can carve the daylights out of the factory grip that only used a rod to attach to the frame so you can get pretty radical in reducing it to fit her hand.  As she grows an aftermarket grip (like a Rink) would be the way to go.  The MP95 trigger assembly can be upgraded to the more adjustable MP90 as she improves, and there are several different barrels weights offered to bring the pistol up to the max legal weight again as she gains strength.  The Benelli 95 is a budget match pistol that can be upgraded into a solid Olympic grade pistol as she grows.
Jon Math
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Post by willnewton 5/11/2017, 7:41 am

Hey Craig, another vote for the 22/45 LITE, sorta.  I had one and liked it, mine had a few feeding issues, but it is where I got my start.  Very light pistol.

Also the SW-22 Victory has a smallish grip.

I would NOT recommend a poly defensive trainer.  Especially, an SR-22 or similar makes.  The triggers are just god-awful on them and cannot be made better.

Basically, don't buy a lower end pistol that you can't drop a Volquartsen trigger kit into.

Buy her a cheapie pistol and she will have to upgrade once she is outshooting you in a few weeks.  Buy her a REAL target pistol like an SW 41 or the like and she will have it her whole life.

Really though, dont buy her anything and let her try everything they have for rent a PBR and maybe a lesson or two with "Uncle Brian"(Zins).

She already outshoots 95% of the non-BE folks that shoot at my range.

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by john bickar 5/11/2017, 7:41 am

Chris Miceli wrote:
john bickar wrote:You people are sick. SICK, I TELL YOU!

My parents introduced me to the bullseye drug at the age of 10 and look where it's led me!
What did you first start shooting w/ John?

Can't remember, maybe a S&W 41 with a 5" barrel.
john bickar
john bickar

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/11/2017, 8:50 am

LenV wrote:Thinking outside the box I have a suggestion for you. How about a single action .22 in current production. Comes with 2 magazines and adjustable sights. The pistol weighs only about 17 oz and I personally have put 10 in the black with one at 25 yds. They don't look much like your stereotypical BE pistol but they are fun, light, accurate (kinda) and you can buy them at the corner store. My daughter well past 10 and way past 60lbs loves the one I bought her.

Keep an open mind 108390_01_lg_1
Brownells has them on sale for 279.00. Today with coupon they are 259.00    http://www.brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/m-p22-compact-3-56in-22-lr-black-10-1-sku100300389-92428-177447.aspx?sku=100300389&utm_medium=email&utm_source=marketo&utm_campaign=2017_05_10_firearms&utm_content=firearms&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWXpRM1kyWTROekEwWkRjMiIsInQiOiJoK1ZETDBmRW80eGt3QUx4SVYrOEY2T2hKVGMxcGpvbzVIWlpIWVhlUmJIRnhpaG1POVZRSXV1czRmSzBRV0RreXVnRlZWOGxWSmdYODNcL3pieHFpSVVDcGxSbkQyWGIrMFIyejJ5WUlXRlJQeHFcL0ZIZjNhUEdcLzA0NjJYbFhvKyJ9
I have the M&P full size 22 I was the first of my many M&Ps.  It shoot good and I like it.  I spent a lot of time on the S&W Forum and most people buy the compact.

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/11/2017, 8:57 am

You also put the VQ Carbon Fiber barrel on the Victory to lighten it up.  Mine is very heavy with the 6" SS fluted barrel and forward blow comp.  If it wasn't for the trigger it would be my favorite gun.  It eats any ammo I have fed it.  Don

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by bdas 5/11/2017, 1:22 pm

I help coach a bunch of juniors, and agree that weight of the gun is a serious issue for many of them.  For our program, the kids don't have to supply any equipment (but most bring their own eye & ear protection); we (the coaches) let them use our guns and the club buys the ammo and targets.  But for the kids who get into it, the parents frequently ask us what kind of gun to get.  For the smaller kids, weight is the #1 issue (trigger is second).  So we generally recommend either one of the Ruger Lites, or the Browning Buckmark "Rosewood Challenge" model.  They are around 25oz (give or take, I forget the exact numbers). If the child has small hands, the Buckmark Rosewood Challenge in particular has a small grip, too. To an adult, the difference between 25oz and 33oz may not seem like a lot, but to these kids, on their 6th target of the day, it's a huge difference (and worth the loss in recoil reduction and wobble dampening you get from using a heavier gun).  Both Rugers and Buckmarks are reliable, quality guns, and can have their triggers improved to be reasonably good, and they won't break the bank (plus they can be sold for ~80% of what you paid for it, if your kid drops the sport in a couple years or really gets into it and is ready to trade up to a heavier and/or better gun).

For older/stronger kids, a heavier gun is a benefit, plus you can start thinking more long-term since they're more likely to stick with it, but for a 10-12-year-old contemplating doing 60 or 90 shots (or more) one-handed in a day... gun weight is the #1 problem, so go with a light gun.

That's my 2 cents.

Last edited by bdas on 5/11/2017, 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : minor grammatical improvements)


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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Chris Miceli 5/11/2017, 3:13 pm

Browning 1911-22 16oz just a smaller version of a 1911 I might just buy one for me. Only kids I got are furry

Chris Miceli

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Keep an open mind Empty Re: Keep an open mind

Post by Magload 5/11/2017, 3:44 pm

Chris Miceli wrote:Browning 1911-22 16oz just a smaller version of a 1911 I might just buy one for me. Only kids I got are furry
Chris I bet my furry kid would like one of those and let me shoot it.  Don

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