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High Standard Magazine Advice Needed

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High Standard Magazine Advice Needed - Page 2 Empty High Standard Magazine Advice Needed

Post by dsandula Wed May 17, 2017 7:03 am

First topic message reminder :

I move between a S & W Model 41, Hight Standard E Hartford Victor and High Standard Hamden Citation and I'm averaging a 274 in 22.  Likely not a good strategy for getting me to the next level.  I'll likely settle on the Hamden Citation (with LSP scope mount & Ultradot 30mm) as it feels best in my hand, the trigger is . . . incredible, I can see a good shot best with it and it likes CCI Standard Velocity very, very much.

Now to my High Standard magazine question:  What do I look for on eBay or elsewhere to find honest to goodness HS Military magazines?  Numbers on the side?  Certain weld and stamping marks?  Follower type and color?  Red heel?  Steel heel?

What's a fair price for original HS Military magazines?

I'd like to settle on 4 original magazines in good condition.  I currently have 1.  That will likely take care of me for life.


Posts : 72
Join date : 2013-08-20

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High Standard Magazine Advice Needed - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Magazine Advice Needed

Post by dsandula Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:59 pm

I've heard very mixed reports about the Interarms High Standard magazines.  About the same as Triple K's.  Sadly, and just my opinion, but if you want to make a "final purchase" on a quality High Standard magazine, you have to buy an original (in varying conditions and at high prices, tune it and it'll work forever.


Posts : 72
Join date : 2013-08-20

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High Standard Magazine Advice Needed - Page 2 Empty Re: High Standard Magazine Advice Needed

Post by SW-52 Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:50 am

dsandula wrote:I've heard very mixed reports about the Interarms High Standard magazines.  About the same as Triple K's.  Sadly, and just my opinion, but if you want to make a "final purchase" on a quality High Standard magazine, you have to buy an original (in varying conditions and at high prices, tune it and it'll work forever.

Posts : 805
Join date : 2015-07-20
Age : 40

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