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Where to Find this Front Sight?

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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by daflorc Thu May 25, 2017 1:51 pm

I'm trying to upgrade my sights on my Ruger Mark III. I installed a better quality adjustable sight for the rear that I ordered from Midway, which says requires a taller than OEM front sight. So it appears that Brownells and Midway USA don't carry a front sight that tall. I ordered the tallest one they had from Midway and it isn't tall enough. Anybody know where I can get a taller front sight for this gun?




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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by Tim:H11 Thu May 25, 2017 1:58 pm

Try Kensights website. I don't know if they have it but I know they have a rear sight so that makes me wonder if they've got a front sight too.

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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by LenV Thu May 25, 2017 3:31 pm

I have one here somewhere. Let me know how tall it needs to be.

.442" tallest point from base measured flat.
Where to Find this Front Sight? Dscf1137

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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK Thu May 25, 2017 4:03 pm

Dawson precision lists front sights at .420 & .490 for the Ruger 22/45...should work....I think

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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by daflorc Thu May 25, 2017 4:46 pm

The one I just put on there is .445" tall, Kensight says theirs is .070 higher than OEM (OEM being .365 or .44), and Dawson precisions for their 22/45 says it is .490" tall. I too think that Dawson's will work for the Mark III. Thanks for the help, all.

With the Dawson, it comes .90" wide or .100" wide. I know the front sight I have on the gun now is .100" wide, and I can see just a sliver of light between the left and right rear sight cutout. I can see this being better for accuracy, but I wonder how black-on-black on a black target will work at 25 yards... though it wasn't sighted in due to the wrong height front sight, I was having a hard time at the indoor range yesterday seeing what I need to be seeing with a center hold aim point. I do not like the 6 o' clock hold. I'm wondering if the .90" wide front sight would be better? On the other hand, I'm setting this gun up for outdoor EIC shooting, that wider front post might come in handy on the 50 yard line (reduced margin of error in aiming). Thoughts?


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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK Thu May 25, 2017 5:18 pm

In my mind a tight fit between the front sight and rear notch is only an advantage for slow fire with excellent lighting.
With a bigger gap I have an easier time during timed & rapid finding the front.  During slow it just reminds me of the aperture sight on my .22 target rifles.

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Where to Find this Front Sight? Empty Re: Where to Find this Front Sight?

Post by daflorc Thu May 25, 2017 5:31 pm

STEVE SAMELAK wrote:In my mind a tight fit between the front sight and rear notch is only an advantage for slow fire with excellent lighting.
With a bigger gap I have an easier time during timed & rapid finding the front.  During slow it just reminds me of the aperture sight on my .22 target rifles.

As always, you won't hurt my feelings by disagreeing

I completely agree. I was just noticing yesterday at the indoor range that I was having a really hard time finding the front sight with such small slits between the front sight, rear sight, and target. Wonder if I should paint the sights green or something to more easily see the difference between the sights and the black target.


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