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Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye

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Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye Empty Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye

Post by inthebeech Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:47 am

Has anyone any experience with these types of sights?

I haven't a clue how these, or any optic designs work and have only used Ultradots myself. I am curious why these designs are not commonly used for precision shooting (durrability, battery life, something inherent in the design that prevents precise shot placement???).

If you do have something to share and your response is dependent on the quality of the particular model, you may assume that I am considering the higher end models available.


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Join date : 2012-03-17
Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye Empty Re: Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye

Post by Chris_D Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:55 pm

I don't advise their use if shooting outdoors. I had one (Truglo) on my model 41 and I loved it, still love it. It has a perfectly round dot, clear as a can be, and the brightness was adjustable. As much as I loved it, I ended up switching to Ultradot tube style sights. The problem with a reflex (open style red dot) is that the glass is made like a mirror, so if you are shooting towards the sun, or if the sun is behind you, the dot goes away, even at full brightness. Myself and one other shooter had this problem at a tournament last summer and it caused enough lost points to convince me to switch.

I honestly can say I liked the cheap truglo sight better than my 3 ultradots, but it just couldn't perform in the sunlight.



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Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye Empty Re: Performance of reflex sights and suitability for Bullseye

Post by inthebeech Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:17 am

Thanks Chris,

You saved me quite a bit of money since I was considering one of the models in the very upper end of their price range.


Posts : 673
Join date : 2012-03-17
Age : 59
Location : Harleysville, Pennsylvania

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