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How Many Rounds Through Your High Standard Military?

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How Many Rounds Through Your High Standard Military? Empty How Many Rounds Through Your High Standard Military?

Post by dsandula 6/25/2017, 7:55 am

Just curious how many rounds High Standard Military shooters have put through their guns with them remaining free of problems?

I'm guessing I have 10,000 + rounds through both a Victor and a Citation and they shoot like new.  All CCI Standard Velocity.


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Join date : 2013-08-20

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How Many Rounds Through Your High Standard Military? Empty Re: How Many Rounds Through Your High Standard Military?

Post by Jack H 6/25/2017, 3:51 pm

At least 50,000.  In the 70s with my 106 Trophy, I had opportunity to shoot near daily until 1976.  I had access to 10-12 cases Rem SV at one time.  Mostly surplus white box.
Jack H
Jack H

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Age : 75
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