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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by joy2shoot 6/25/2017, 1:28 pm

Midway USA has the Aimpoint T-1, 4 MOA on clearance.  This scope does NOT come with a mount.


They also have the Aimpoint T-1, 4 MOA Bulk Packaged on clearance.  Per Midway, bulk packaged means 'These units are new but were sent to MidwayUSA in bulk packaging from Aimpoint and then repackaged into individual units. For this reason, they will arrive to the customer in a MidwayUSA box but will still hold the same high quality and warranty that you have come to expect from Aimpoint.'.  It does not say whether or not a scope mount is included, but the pictures show the scope without a mount.


Last edited by joy2shoot on 6/26/2017, 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by Jack H 6/25/2017, 3:08 pm

No mount?  Where do we get a weaver mount?
Jack H
Jack H

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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by messenger 6/25/2017, 4:01 pm

Jack H wrote:No mount?  Where do we get a weaver mount?
I've got a brand new mount that came on a micro I'll make you a deal on.


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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by SteveT 6/25/2017, 6:39 pm

I jack doesn't take the base I'd like to get one

sdturner (at) gmail (dot) com

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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by joy2shoot 6/25/2017, 7:13 pm

Jack H wrote:No mount?  Where do we get a weaver mount?

The mounts can be purchased separately.  I think the Aimpoint mount is currently on backorder at Midway.  There are also mounts sold by Kodiak Machines.  I have two Kodiak's.  A heavy duty one that I use on my .45 and another that is used on a Pardini SPBE.  KC is a reseller of Kodiak mounts.

Below is a post from KC regarding the Pardini Kodiak mount.



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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by Jack H 6/25/2017, 7:24 pm

How much if any advantage is the Kodiak type mount over a Weaver mount.
Jack H
Jack H

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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by messenger 6/25/2017, 10:43 pm

I have two used and two new Aimpoint Micro mounts I'll let go. The reason is I get the Kodiac Machine mounts from KC. They are stout mounts. The bolt that clamps the unit to the sight rail is slightly larger. I have had to mill the slot in the sight rail about .020 larger to accommodate the Kodiac. It's worth the extra $. I just ordered another Aimpoint  from Midway. (such a deal!) I'm fixing to send KC another $156.95 for mount, shades, and shipping. He lives about four hours from me so your shipping may vary. The stock mounts are available if anybody wants them but I recommend the Kodiac. That sucker ain't coming loose.


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Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Empty Re: Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA

Post by joy2shoot 6/26/2017, 9:09 am

The mount on the left is, of course, the Kodiak Mount.  The mount on the right is the standard Aimpoint mount.  As messenger stated, the Kodiak bolt that clamps the mount to the rail has a larger diameter, so the rail opening will need to be enlarged slightly.

KC told me once that if the scope is being installed on a .22, then the Aimpoint standard mount will work just fine.  The bolt that secures the standard Aimpoint mount uses a T-10 star/Torx key.

Some Aimpoint micros on clearance at Midway USA Mount10


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