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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter? Empty Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

Post by gregbenner 6/25/2017, 2:11 pm

I am using a Dillon 550, their crimp die for 32 S&W Long is a taper crimp.  I have been advised, at least for 38 wadcutters, that a crimp die might be better?

Do you agree?, If so, whose do you recommend that will work in a 550?


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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter? Empty Re: Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

Post by messenger 6/25/2017, 2:24 pm

Taper crimp. Roll crimp only if you are having feeding issues.


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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter? Empty Re: Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

Post by noylj 6/26/2017, 1:02 am

Well, using just a taper crimp could cause feeding issues.
I prefer to copy factory rounds, which are still more accurate than my reloads, and they use a slight roll crimp.
Seat bullet just under flush with case mouth and roll crimp just enough so there is no sharp edge to case mouth.
Recommend Redding Profile Crimp Die.


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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter? Empty Re: Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

Post by gregbenner 6/26/2017, 9:14 am

Thx guys. In a different conversation with Dave Wilson (fc60), he suggested taper crimp as well.  Since that is what I have, I'll stick with it for a while


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Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter? Empty Re: Roll or taper Crimp for 32 long wadcutter?

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