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Cleaning bore

BE Mike
Pat Capobianco
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Cleaning bore Empty Cleaning bore

Post by Pat Capobianco 7/6/2017, 1:45 pm

I just received my new DW 45 and want to keep the bore clean, I just want to know from the experts how you keep your bore clean? I'm getting so many different methods on how to clean the bore from other forums so it was suggested to post the question here. I shoot fmj, coated bullets and some plated.
Pat Capobianco
Pat Capobianco

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by jglenn21 7/6/2017, 2:33 pm

sort of like a "what the best oil" question....

you'll get a ton of options.

personally I use a 50/50 combination of Hoppes and Kroil.   I've found that simply soaking the bore overnight will remove lead or copper fouling..    Rifles are a whole other deal...

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by Mike38 7/6/2017, 4:56 pm

1)Hoppe's No.9 on a patch, down the bore a few times.
2)Let sit for 5 minutes.
3)Bronze brush a few passes.
4)Repeat 1 thru 3
5)Wet patch a few passes.
6)Put gun away.
7)Before shooting run a dry patch a few times.

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by BE Mike 7/6/2017, 6:12 pm

I've had good luck with Hoppe's Elite bore gel and spray cleaner and a 50 caliber bore brush. Hoppe's Elite doesn't smell up the place and cleans great, especially if you start out with it.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by Guest 7/6/2017, 7:42 pm

Iosso Bore Cleaner with VFG felt pellets.


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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by desben 7/7/2017, 5:18 am

Chore boy wrapped around a brass brush, dipped in Hoppe's. Then a few patches.

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by Pat Capobianco 7/7/2017, 6:40 am

I forgot to mention that one of my concerns was from using a bore brush, some people telling me, you will do more harm from cleaning with a bore brush and don't worry about the fouling or lead and copper deposits. I noticed on this forum everyone is using a bore brush, so do they harm the barrel?
Pat Capobianco
Pat Capobianco

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by Bigtrout 7/7/2017, 7:05 am

jglenn21 wrote:sort of like a "what the best oil" question....

you'll get a ton of options.

personally I use a 50/50 combination of Hoppes and Kroil.   I've found that simply soaking the bore overnight will remove lead or copper fouling..    Rifles are a whole other deal...
Same for me except I do the rest of the gun cleaning and oiling while the 50-50 mix soaks in the barrel.  I think I'll try the overnight approach to save on patches.

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by jglenn21 7/7/2017, 8:01 am

The issue about using a bore brush is mainly surrounding a rifle bore and really is about the cleaning rod bending and causing damage.  Thus the use of coated rods by many of the bench rest crowd..

Not an issue with a short pistol barrel other than the 22.  One thing that I have taken from my rifle barrel cleaning is to only clean in one direction (chamber to crown).  I never pull the bore brush or jag back through the bore mainly to prevent crown damage.

Probably overkill but it's my habit.

Last edited by jglenn21 on 7/7/2017, 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by Rob Kovach 7/7/2017, 11:25 am

I never clean my bore--unless I've created a load that fouled the bore--but if you are loading normal bullseye loads, you won't get that.
Rob Kovach
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Cleaning bore Empty Re: Cleaning bore

Post by LenV 7/7/2017, 12:33 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:I never clean my bore--unless I've created a load that fouled the bore--but if you are loading normal bullseye loads, you won't get that.

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