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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by cwo4uscgret 7/9/2017, 2:44 pm

I have a fairly diverse collection of firearms.  In addition to the 1911 platform I also have a soft spot for vintage wheel guns including these two: both are Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrel .38 Specials; first a 1936 vintage with adjustable front and rear sights that I found in a Cabella's in Indiana.  It came with Sanderson grips - one of two custom grip makers in the 30s-50s.  It has a very nice DA and SA trigger pull:

Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Omt_left
Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Omt_right

The other revolver, I took delivery of it yesterday, came from a member of the ColtForum.com.  It dates to 1940; is essentially the same model (Officer's Model 6" heavy barrel - 43,109 serial numbers newer).  What sets this gun apart is that it has been modified by King's Gunsight Company (formerly of LA and San Francisco but the original company is out of business).  The revolver is called a Colt-King Super Target with both front and rear adjustable sights, a ribbed sight rail, converted to single action only, and has a "mirror" installed on the rail to reflect light on the front sight.  It also has a trigger shoe installed on it.  (the mirror works - just looking at the sights in my living room the front sight is illuminated).  It came with a set of ill fitting, probably handmade target stocks; which I've replaced by putting the Sandersons on it.  Before I left the gun shop we checked the trigger pull - awesome; very smooth, consistently slightly more then a 3# pull.

It's my understanding that the single action only revolvers were used for the slow-fire portion of the matches.  

Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels King_right
Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels King_ammo
Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels King_frontsight_assist
front sight illumination mirror


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Age : 72

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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Re: Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by LenV 7/9/2017, 2:59 pm

Nice set of pistols. There is no reason that you can't shoot them for the entire CF match. I shoot all my wheel guns single action. There would be a problem shooting SA only revolvers in DR since they are not allowed. The grips and adjustable front sight also not allowed in DR. I think they both would be nice (and legal) for CF and Reeves matches. Have fun.


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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Re: Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by Sa-tevp 7/9/2017, 8:32 pm

What is the problem with adjustable front sights in Distinguished Revolver? Why is that in the rules? A dislike for pre-war revolvers?

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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Re: Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by Wobbley 7/10/2017, 9:30 am

I believe it was to discourage the use of the highly customized PPC revolvers.  Hence the 158 grain rule and the fixed front sight rule...

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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Re: Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by troystaten 7/10/2017, 1:29 pm

Those are some wonderful revolvers, love the King gunsite modified one a lot.  Thanks for showing us.


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Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels Empty Re: Old School Target Revolvers - 1936 and 1940 Colt Officer's Model 6" Heavy Barrels

Post by troystaten 7/10/2017, 3:04 pm

Those are some wonderful revolvers, love the King gunsite modified one a lot.  Thanks for showing us.


Posts : 841
Join date : 2012-04-18

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