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Any shooters in Lexington, KY

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by SmokinNJokin 7/9/2017, 5:33 pm

 I think I posted this six or eight months ago, but I am about to move to Lexington Kentucky in a few weeks and I am looking for a Bullseye shooters in the area. I fully plan to drive down to match masters in Tennessee but it would be great if there were clubs or events closer to Lexington to participate in. If anyone knows Of a club or league in the area that does NRA Percision pistol I would greatly appreciate the info.


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by LenV 7/9/2017, 9:17 pm

There looks like there might be matches in Wilmore. Check out the sticky in announcements.


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by C-Train 7/10/2017, 1:18 pm

Hi Andrew,

Me and GPTuners (another user on here sometimes) are near Lexington. The range in Wilmore hasn't run any bullseye matches in a couple years unless they started up again just in the last few months. GPTuners and I shoot mostly CMP Service Pistol but would be happy to practice with you if you'd want and have some fun matches. We mostly shoot in Frankfort, KY at an outdoor range so we can do 50-yard work. There are 2 really good indoor ranges in Lex: Bud's Gun Shop and Semper Fi Firearms. But both max out around 20-25 yards.

There is a club in Chandler, Indiana that holds 2700's regularly but it is over a 2 hour drive. We go there once a year for their EIC match. Cincinnati Revolver Club I believe does some NRA Bullseye still and would be the closest I know of.

Hit us up if you'd like to practice or just have a fun match between ourselves.



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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by gptuners 7/10/2017, 2:17 pm

Hi Andrew! 

I second everything Chris said. Maybe with a few more bullseye shooters, we can actually revive the match in Wilmore.  Cool

Hit up Chris- he's much more active on here. After that, I'll just give you my number. I don't interweb much. Wink

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by SmokinNJokin 7/10/2017, 4:29 pm

Great to hear guys,
I look forward to linking up with you. I too am focused on service pistol and shoot only irons and 4lb trigger, I really only do the nra stuff for practice. Hopefully I can convince some cadets at UK to shoot service pistol too.


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by dennymac 7/27/2017, 5:39 pm

We shoot at the Southern Indiana Rifle and Pistol Club near Borden, IN. www.sirapc.com We have a match scheduled for this Saturday.
It is not too far from Lexington, but, it is across the toll bridge. Contact me for more information. Heck, I even have a spare bed. DennyMac


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by Bren 12/20/2018, 11:38 am

SmokinNJokin wrote:Gentlemen, 
 I think I posted this six or eight months ago, but I am about to move to Lexington Kentucky in a few weeks and I am looking for a Bullseye shooters in the area. I fully plan to drive down to match masters in Tennessee but it would be great if there were clubs or events closer to Lexington to participate in. If anyone knows Of a club or league in the area that does NRA Percision pistol I would greatly appreciate the info.
So I'm guessing you're the guy in the green-to-gold program I met at SIRPC and Camp Perry this year.   I live In Frankfort, when C-Train and GPTuners also shoot, but we have no matches at the Frankfort club.  I'd sure like to have more local matches to shoot, instead of trying to get my practice in by shooting on my own while guys blast away with their rifles on both sides of me.

Any luck finding any more matches close to Lexington? 

Has anybody heard anything about Bullseye coming back to BGSL in Wilmore?

Posts : 45
Join date : 2018-02-12
Location : Kentucky

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by Vern 12/20/2018, 2:11 pm

Attached is a flyer for the Cincinnati Revolver Club.
Any shooters in Lexington, KY Attachment
CRC Flyer 2018 - 1.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(346 Kb) Downloaded 13 times


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by Bren 12/21/2018, 11:50 am

Vern wrote:Attached is a flyer for the Cincinnati Revolver Club.
Thanks, Vern.  I was thinking about giving them a try.  I wish everybody didn't start their matches at 9 am.

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by brassmaster 12/21/2018, 1:31 pm

SmokinNJokin wrote:Gentlemen, 
 I think I posted this six or eight months ago, but I am about to move to Lexington Kentucky in a few weeks and I am looking for a Bullseye shooters in the area. I fully plan to drive down to match masters in Tennessee but it would be great if there were clubs or events closer to Lexington to participate in. If anyone knows Of a club or league in the area that does NRA Percision pistol I would greatly appreciate the info.

For a change of pace and scenery you could travel up I-64 East and situated just East of Huntington, WV is the Putnam County Gun Club, located at Eleanor, WV. They hold monthly NRA Sanctioned 3-gun Precision Pistol 1800s, April thru September. In conjunction with the 1800, they also hold "practice" Service Pistol, .22 Rimfire & DR Matches. Great group of dedicated Precision Pistol shooters that would make you feel welcome. Shot there many times, well-run matches.
Send me a PM for match directors contact info if interested.

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http://www.whitehorsecenter.org, click on Brassmasters

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Matches w/in driving distance to Lexington, KY

Post by John Hash 1/5/2019, 9:52 am

Putnam County Gun Club has monthly matches starting in April.  Three gun 1800, plus practice rimfire distinguished, DR, and Service Pistol EIC.  Check their web site. Best wishes.

John Hash

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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by SmokinNJokin 1/5/2019, 2:43 pm

Thanks for the info! Been shooting with Southern Indiana Rifle and Pistol club (Borden and Georgetown, IN) and Cincinnati Rifle and Revolver club when I am able. Both about a 2 hour drive away. I may check out the Putnam County matches later in the year.


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

Post by SmokinNJokin 1/7/2019, 9:51 am

I went to BGSL in Wilmore today, looked at the pistol range and all the bullseye stuff is long gone. The former bullseye range has the turning target equipment removed and no benches. Its now an action pistol range. Oh well.


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Any shooters in Lexington, KY Empty Re: Any shooters in Lexington, KY

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