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Teams and are the shooters sponsored?

BE Mike
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Teams and are the shooters sponsored?  Empty Teams and are the shooters sponsored?

Post by Tim:H11 7/12/2017, 1:44 pm

How does one make it on to a shooting team?

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Teams and are the shooters sponsored?  Empty Re: Teams and are the shooters sponsored?

Post by cdrt 7/12/2017, 1:51 pm

It depends.  For Texas, we draft the better shooters from our state outdoor championship and partially sponsor them for the Nationals at Camp Perry.  Those that are close geographically try and get together to practice.

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Post by carykiteboarder 7/13/2017, 8:32 am

In NC, the state organization will pay the entry fee (only) for teams that are comprised of members of the state organization.  My first trip to Camp Perry was in 2014 and I had just gotten my Sharpshooter card.  There was an Expert team but we created a Sharpshooter team with a new shooter (Marksman), two Sharpshooters and one Expert.  Not being very good, I was reluctant at first to shoot on a team.  It turns out it was one of them most fun events of the week.  Team shooting is very social compared to individual shooting which is VERY solitary.

We have a dedicated gentleman who does the organizing and paperwork.  One benefit of being on a team is that the organizer gets early hut reservation access on behalf of the team.  Thank you Clark!

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Post by Dr.Don 7/13/2017, 8:41 am

The state associations control who gets on a state team, and who knows what the "sponsored" teams get in support, but any 4 guys can get together, form a team, and file an entry fee.  The more the merrier.

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Post by Magload 7/13/2017, 8:56 am

There fore we should have a Bullseye Forum Team.  Team Bullseye-L   Don

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Teams and are the shooters sponsored?  Empty Re: Teams and are the shooters sponsored?

Post by BE Mike 7/13/2017, 9:20 am

I've shot team matches with a state assn. and local club. I've also shot team matches as part of an open team. Things may have changed, but in the past there were OHINKY teams and eWorld teams. Most of the times they weren't sponsored, but the old UltraDot teams were members of OHINKY and therefore an open team by the rules. The rule book is specific on what kinds of teams are allowed and who can be a member. BTW, I've shot on eWorld teams with some top shooters (not me).
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Post by Chris Miceli 7/15/2017, 11:52 pm

This was my first year on a team. Service pistol out of Compition and team Pardini. I would say teams is the best part of the visit.

A industry team would probably need to establish a relationship with you by knowing you and seeing your performance record at perry.

Chris Miceli

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Post by Froneck 7/16/2017, 7:05 am

Depending on the Team there is some sponsorship. Entry fee, shirt and hat and dinner at a good restaurant was part of the PA team. Military teams get everything paid though a few like the Navy get nothing. Police did and I doubt any do now and is why they have a separate class. At one time they shot very good but with an exception of a few shoot lower than civilians. Years ago many went to Perry with a Police car, Police cars from many states were at Perry. Back during the DCM years civilians shooting on the State team got mileage to Perry. When I shot for NJ I got a large ammo can full of once fired brass, a small ammo can with 10 boxes of Military Ball ammo and mileage to Perry. Probably why back then there was at least one State Ball team from every state.


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Post by JayhawkNavy02 7/17/2017, 12:38 pm

Navy Team is composed of the top Fleet/All Navy (Top 20 Active/Reserve) shooters (in theory).
In reality, it's a collection of who can attend.  Sea service is a unique life and; because its out of pocket, it limits participation.

The Team does provide support in some areas and that is greatly appreciated, but not at the level of the PWS/AMU.

Our OIC is working hard with leadership and we'll see the benefits of that as the process matures.

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Post by Wobbley 7/17/2017, 4:18 pm

In the nineties, a friend who was on the Navy team got "no cost" orders most of the time.  If he got anything it might have been some leftover ammo for practice.

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