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32 acp press choice.

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32 acp press choice.  Empty 32 acp press choice.

Post by Jwhelan939 7/12/2017, 8:09 pm

I know it feels like the forums have been overrun with questions about loading this cartridge. I apologize if you are sick of seeing them. I have read a ton. I am currently single stage loading for the 32 acp. It is driving me nuts! I need to go progressive, but have read so many opinions that I can't decide which press to use. I currently have a 1050 and a 650. I have heard the Usmc use the 1050 to reload for this cartridge, but haven't seen much else. I have also heard many people say the 650 is the wrong press for this tiny cartridge. In your opinions, would it be best to get a conversion for the 1050,the 650, or buy a 550? Thank you for your time.


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32 acp press choice.  Empty Re: 32 acp press choice.

Post by ChipEck 7/12/2017, 9:25 pm

I have a Dillon 650.  I bought a Star to reload my .32 ACP.  


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32 acp press choice.  Empty Re: 32 acp press choice.

Post by TampaTim 7/12/2017, 10:21 pm

I use a Star to load 32acp. It has a very accurate powder measure. I use a 1050 to load my 45acp.


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