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What is the name/model of these grips?

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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by javaduke 7/17/2017, 8:41 am

I'm trying to find out who makes the grips for 1911 that look like Herret's PH-45: http://www.herrettstocks.com/ph45larg.htm but are fully checkered. They cover the MSH pin sear and hammer pins and have a small palm swell in the middle. Does anyone know who makes them?


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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty Re: What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by fc60 7/17/2017, 10:09 am


Herrett makes them.

"Herrett Shooting Star", I believe I have a set of 1911 checked grips somewhere.

PM me if you are interested.



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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty Re: What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by javaduke 7/17/2017, 10:13 am

Hmm, I searched for "Herret Shooting Star" but only revolver grips came up in the search. 
Can you please send me a picture of your grips? Yes, I might be interested.


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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty Re: What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by Sa-tevp 7/17/2017, 8:25 pm

What is the name/model of these grips? Z

Herrett H-45 grips?

They fit me well, as well as H-52 and H-41 on my S&Ws.

They show up from time to time on fleabay or pistol forums.

The swells are filling and the checkering is aggressive.

Shooting Stars are revolver grips. I have several sets on my target revolvers. Excellent fit and finish.

Edited to add that a recent query to Herretts led to a call-back where they said they only make custom ordered grips now. A very nice conversation with folks who want to make good stuff but I like the older production grips for the sharper machine checkering. Again, check the used sales. Good folks.

Last edited by Sa-tevp on 7/17/2017, 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty Re: What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by javaduke 7/17/2017, 8:26 pm

Yup, that's what I was looking for! Thanks!


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What is the name/model of these grips? Empty Re: What is the name/model of these grips?

Post by fc60 7/18/2017, 11:30 am


Found the grips.

PM me if still interested.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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