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Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger?

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Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger? Empty Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger?

Post by joy2shoot 7/17/2017, 11:08 pm

I have been shooting a roll trigger on both my .22 and .45 for close to a year now.  I had it installed (by a gunsmith) because that type of trigger was commonly suggested by elite shooters.  The .22 I was shooting is a conversion unit that uses the same lower as the .45.
But a recent incident (irrelevant to the question) required me to start shooting another one of my .22s because it is lighter by half a pound.  That other gun is a Pardini SPBE and uses a two stage trigger.  Now, I have not shot my Pardini for nine months.  But last Friday I took it to the range to verify it was sighted in and I shot it this past Sunday in a sanctioned 2700.  I set a personal best in the .22 match (864).  My previous personal best (861) in a NRA match was also shot with the Pardini.
So here is the question.  Is there some logic or rationale or reasoning that can be applied to help a shooter understand what type of trigger; crisp, two-stage or roll, would be best for them?  Or is the answer simply, whatever you shoot the best with?
Thank you.


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Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger? Empty Re: Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger?

Post by daflorc 7/17/2017, 11:20 pm

I'm no master, but I shoot like one in practice Smile  I'd definitely say the answer is "whatever you shoot the best with."


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Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger? Empty Re: Crisp, Two-Stage or Roll trigger?

Post by BE Mike 7/18/2017, 12:17 am

It just might be the "new gun" syndrome. If you haven't shot the Pardini in a long time, you just might have been focusing more on the fundamentals. That being said, I shot my best .22 scores with my Hammerli 208s with 2 stage trigger.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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