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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by pgg 8/4/2017, 7:36 pm

After about a year away, I'm getting back into bullseye shooting.

I have a MCP Beretta 9mm service pistol.

A couple years ago, I picked up several thousand 124 and 147 gr Hornady XTP bullets (seconds) cheap from Midway.

I'm looking for a couple of goto loads for these so I can make a bunch and get shooting, without much time spent working up loads. Powders I have on hand are Win 231 and WSF. Thank you.


Posts : 198
Join date : 2015-11-21

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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by robert84010 8/4/2017, 8:49 pm

it kind of depends on the barrel your pistol has. If it is a 1:32 KKM then the 147gr will not work. If it has a faster twist Kart or otherwise then the 147gr over 4.0gr of WSF should be a good place to start. The slow twist KKM should work with the 124gr and 5.2gr of WSF.

there is a bunch of info here:


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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by pgg 8/4/2017, 10:42 pm

Thanks - I shot some factory 147 XTPs through it and they grouped well. I'll work up to those loads and give them a try.


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Join date : 2015-11-21

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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by Chris Miceli 8/5/2017, 9:29 pm

robert84010 wrote:it kind of depends on the barrel your pistol has. If it is a 1:32 KKM then the 147gr will not work. If it has a faster twist Kart or otherwise then the 147gr over 4.0gr of WSF should be a good place to start. The slow twist KKM should work with the 124gr and 5.2gr of WSF.

there is a bunch of info here:
Coach Maust is right...

A few posts for the 9mm loads have been posted in that link.

Chris Miceli

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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by Larry2520 8/6/2017, 7:35 pm

I don't think there is a "common" load for a 9mm with those bullet weights. You need to work up a load for your gun and find out what works best for you.


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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by JIMPGOV 8/6/2017, 9:31 pm


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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

Post by Pbmoser1954 8/7/2017, 4:56 am

Welcome back to bullseye shooting. I was away from it for 25 years and I'm back shooting again. Just trying to get back to where I was 25 years ago.  I regret being away from it for such a long time. I really enjoy the sport.   I wish more people would get back in the bullseye shooting

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Age : 70
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Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets? Empty Re: Common loads for 124 and 147 gr XTP bullets?

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