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Share your match day equipment list.

Jon Eulette
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Post by zanemoseley 8/15/2017, 8:47 pm

As posted before I'm taking the clamps out of my 3 pistol strong case but will still use it for the scope storage/stand and storage of other stuff. I just got a great deal on a brand new Pelican 1610 case to securely store my pistols, it's a bit on the large side but I couldn't pass up the deal. I'm trying to get a handle on where I want to put everything, with the pelican once you cut the foam you're kind of locked in. I thought of putting 4 pistols, all ammo and a couple micellaneous items in the pelican case but then it's going to be pushing 43 pounds, most places I shoot you park close to the range so it shouldn't be bad. One thing is if I ever fly it will be convenient for the ammo and pistols to be in one case but I suppose I could always put the ammo in my lugage.

So I was hoping you guys could share what you take to matches so I don't leave anything out. I got where I have so many items to remember I just made a list in my phone.

Bullseye Equipment:

.45 1911 & backup

.45 Magazines

.22 1911 & backup

.22 Magazines

.22 conversion wrench & mag loader

25 Yard .45 ammo

50 Yard .45 ammo

.22 ammo

Spotting scope

Extra batteries

Brass catcher

Pistol mat

Ear plugs

Ear muffs



Clear chamber indicator

Stapler w/ extra staples






Rain coat

Rubber boots




Hand wipes

Fan & Extension Cord


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Post by Doug Tiedt 8/15/2017, 8:50 pm

Double check it, but I am pretty sure that TSA regulations prohibit having the pistol and ammo in the same case, even though locked.

Doug Tiedt

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Post by zanemoseley 8/15/2017, 9:05 pm

Just looked over the TSA guidelines.

  • Small arms ammunition, including ammunition not exceeding .75 caliber and shotgun shells of any gauge, may be carried in the same hard-sided case as the firearm.


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Post by Chris Miceli 8/15/2017, 9:23 pm

I'll try my best to visualize what's in my box.

Spotting scope
2 45 mags
2 22 mags
Screwdriver/Aimpoint adjustment tool
Dental pic(cleaning 22 bolt face)
Empty chamber indicator(patch worm w/ patches)
Will Newton custom made wood block 
22 pistol
45 pistol
Brass deflector screen + 2 spring clips
Scotch tape 
2 microfiber towels

Chris Miceli

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Post by zanemoseley 8/15/2017, 9:30 pm

Ok I'll ask, what does a Will Newton custom wood block look like.


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Post by Tim:H11 8/15/2017, 10:18 pm

My box is kind of heavy... But not as bad as it could be. But I find I don't ever have a situation where something is needed either. Not anymore at least. 

Strong Case three gun. 
Bushnell Competitor 10X Spotting Scope and first gen mounting system,
45 Pistol and three mags,
22 (Nelson) Pistol and three mags,
EIC 22 Pistol in a gun rug in the bottom of the box and three mags,
Second Barrel with iron sight rib for Nelson,
Brass rod for knocking out squib loads,
Cleaning Kit (Ziplock bag with bore snakes, patches, and silicone rags)
Winchester cleaning kit rod (handle contains rod and brushes),
Separate 25 cal brush on dedicated handle for 22 chamber scrub,
Staple gun and staples,
Clip board,
Two overlay's (I finally got some!!!)
Pen, Sharpie, and a Pencil,
Masking Tape,
Brass screen/deflector and clips,
Two revolver speed loaders for K frame and six 38 special snap caps,
Merit Optical Eye piece,
Safety Glasses,
Head set/hearing protection and spare plugs in a small container,
Two different size flathead screw drivers,
spare dot batteries,
Nelson tool,
Nelson parts box with springs and parts and allen head wrench's for dot mounts and triggers,
1911 barrel bushing wrench,
scope lens cleaner cloth,
Oil dropper, Oil, and carbon cleaner,
Cotton rag or cotton hand towel,
And a piece of carpet to lay guns and stuff on. Keeps scratches away. 

Ammunition for entire match and then some is carried in a separate ammo can. 
Brass catcher - I don't own one but I've been borrowing the local match directors. 
If wether looks ify bring a rain coat,
water and snacks in a lunch box or sack. 

Since I bring so much I try to get to the match with PLENTY of time so I have time to move in to my new temporary home. lol!

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Post by zanemoseley 8/15/2017, 10:24 pm

Dang Jason I don't feel so bad any more lol.


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Post by Tim:H11 8/15/2017, 10:31 pm

zanemoseley wrote:Dang Jason I don't feel so bad any more lol.

I set it up to where if I'm at home, if I'm at a match, if I'm at practice, if I'm shooting or just cleaning, what ever it is that I need is there in the box. That way I'm not in a position where I'm left saying "well I need X but it's at home or it's not here".

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Post by dronning 8/15/2017, 10:59 pm

Anyone else carry a 2 gal zip-loc for scoring if it rains?
- Dave

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Post by Tim:H11 8/15/2017, 11:00 pm

dronning wrote:Anyone else carry a 2 gal zip-loc for scoring if it rains?
- Dave

Crap now I gotta add one more thing!

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Post by Jon Eulette 8/15/2017, 11:37 pm

Dang you guys are kitchen sink shooters. My box is naked in comparison. You remind me of a guy I used to call "gadget" because he had everything and I mean everything. You guys are gonna do more shoulder damage from carrying your equipment boxes than from shooting ;l)
Jon Eulette
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Post by Froneck 8/16/2017, 5:38 am

I agree with Jon, I was getting tired readin the list of the items. I take the bare minimum.


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Post by Tim:H11 8/16/2017, 7:30 am

I feel like I carry the minimum I need for what ever situation I fall into. The box isn't too terribly heavy, and it's not all crammed in there either. Plenty of space to get what I need when I need it. And everything has a spot where it goes. I don't have to look for anything.

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Post by zanemoseley 8/16/2017, 8:00 am

A lot of the time I drive 2 hours each way for a match, it sure sucks not having what you need when you're there although often other people will let you borrow what you don't have.


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Post by Aprilian 8/16/2017, 8:13 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Dang you guys are kitchen sink shooters. My box is naked in comparison. You remind me of a guy I used to call "gadget" because he had everything and I mean everything. You guys are gonna do more shoulder damage from carrying your equipment boxes than from shooting ;l)
I have a lot in my box too and some items are heavier than needed like an oversized spotting scope which I got cheap and a heavy staple gun I already had.   I can't imagine what it would feel like if I had back up guns  Rolling Eyes

To lessen the shoulder damage John, I use a golf bag strap set which goes over both shoulders. https://www.golfdiscount.com/izzo-dual-strap?size=15132&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3OaglOrb1QIVBwhpCh0f7guWEAQYAyABEgLXvfD_BwE&kwid=productads-adid^74144244737-device^c-plaid^62592842252-sku^DS008190-adType^PLA

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Post by Chris Miceli 8/16/2017, 8:26 am

My range bags carrys all the other junk, a multi tool, my ammo, some rain gear if i need it, folding medical clipboard, stapler,staples, ear plugs, ear muffs, glasses, water bottle, snacks, and i just drag the brass catcher around as needed.

Last edited by Chris Miceli on 8/16/2017, 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Chris Miceli

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Post by Jon Math 8/16/2017, 12:30 pm

I carry about the same except being an iron sight shooter I have a carbide lamp to soot the sight, and a can of Firm Grip powder.  I’m also bat blind at reading distances so I have a pair of folding eye glasses for scoring targets and adjusting sights etc.

Everything not directly related to the pistol/revolver (like rain gear, snacks, water etc.) I carry in an old rifle shooter’s shooting stool.  Also gives me a place to park my butt from time to time.
Jon Math
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Post by javaduke 8/16/2017, 1:45 pm

My range bag and box are packed with tons of stuff I usually don't need - but if I leave any of those items at home, the Murphy's law kicks in. If I only take two boxes of .22 instead of three, there's always someone next to me who runs out of ammo and needs little help. If I leave my backup gun at home, my only gun I brought that day has a broken ejector. If I take that big spray can of a sight black from my bag, my front sight shines in the sun like a diamond. Etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on and on. Screwdrivers, punches, bore snakes, dowels. Overflows to multiple pockets in my 5.11 range vest. 

Oh well... One thing I always carry, but thank God, never had to use, is an individual Israeli wound dressing.


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Post by jmdavis 8/16/2017, 2:12 pm

.45 with 2 mags
.22 with 4 mags

Marvel Machine gun oil in needle oiler
kroil in needle oiler

rod and brush for 45 and 22 doubles as squib rod
patchworm pull through with some extra patches

clipboard (velcros to the inside top of the box,
staple box (velcroed to the top right side of the box)
shooting glasses, dot ( case velcroed to the back of the box above the tray)
shooting glasses irons (case velcroed to the bottom right side of box)
small notebook (40 pages 2x3 inches velcroed to the bottom left side of the box)
2 pens
rubber drawer liner for bench
firm grip rosin

overlays (velcroed to inside cover)

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Post by 285wannab 8/16/2017, 2:27 pm

Wow, you guys carry a lot of stuff.  I don't even use my box anymore.  My gun, some ammo, muffs and glasses go into a small backpack now.


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