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Custom model 13 ?

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Custom model 13 ? Empty Custom model 13 ?

Post by rebs 9/9/2017, 5:20 pm

Does anyone have one or experience with one of the Clark Custom's S&W 38 spl ?


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Join date : 2015-02-11

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Custom model 13 ? Empty Re: Custom model 13 ?

Post by Danny H 9/10/2017, 8:45 am

Rebs, Are you asking about a heavy barrel ppc type gun or just a factory gun that Clark did a trigger job & maybe some tune up work on? I do not have any Clark guns or first hand experience with their guns, but they do have a good reputation.
 If you are looking to buy a used one, please be careful, make sure you know what you are getting. I bought my first one sight unseen from a add some where, do not remember where I saw the add, but the gun was not what it was supposed to be, it ended up being a money pit & expensive lesson. I still have the gun, I had Jerry Keifer cut the barrel down to 3in. & he modified a used rib that he had & it made a nice gun for the snub nose match's that I used to shoot in. 
 If you want my thoughts on the heavy barrel ppc type guns in general let me know.  Danny

Danny H

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Custom model 13 ? Empty Re: Custom model 13 ?

Post by rebs 9/10/2017, 12:28 pm

It is at a local gun shop, it seems nice with not much wear. But I can find no reviews o0nline about it. The only online reviews are a bout Clark Custom 1911's. I was just going to use it as a plinker. I have been watching for a K38 but haven't found one at a reasonable price yet. I have a S&W model 19 with a 4" barrel and I called Clark Custom about putting a 6" barrel on it but they gave me a price of $700.00 and they keep my 4" barrel. To me that is just too much money.


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Custom model 13 ? Empty Re: Custom model 13 ?

Post by SW-52 9/10/2017, 12:35 pm

rebs wrote:Does anyone have one or experience with one of the Clark Custom's S&W 38 spl ?
a company named mohawk custom make great ppc revolvers.

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Custom model 13 ? Empty Re: Custom model 13 ?

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