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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Greg Walloch
BE Mike
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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by miguel.medina.98478672 Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:13 am


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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by BE Mike Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:37 am

miguel.medina.98478672 wrote:NEED SOME GOOD LOADS FOR 9MM, USING BERRY BULLETS 115 GR, ROUND NOSE, .356
No offense, but since the bullet is one of the most important components in accuracy, I'd consider a jacketed bullet for 50 yards.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by dronning Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:48 pm

BE Mike wrote:
miguel.medina.98478672 wrote:NEED SOME GOOD LOADS FOR 9MM, USING BERRY BULLETS 115 GR, ROUND NOSE, .356
No offense, but since the bullet is one of the most important components in accuracy, I'd consider a jacketed bullet for 50 yards.

I several years ago I bought 1,000 to try out, still have have 900.  Good for 7-15 yards I relegated them to my plastic guns.
- Dave

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by Greg Walloch Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:05 pm

Yeah, I have to agree that Berry's plated bullets are best for plinking.  In .38 and .45 from the Ransom Rest, they gave dinner plate sized groups at 50 yards out of guns that will shoot 2" groups or less with Magnus bullets.  I have noted that the plated bullets are at least +\- .002 off the chosen diameter.  Not good enough for our BE purposes.  Measure a Magnus swaged.  They are dead on.

I just picked up a Springfield Armory 1911 built by Jon Eulette.  I have many different loads that I am going to test next week out of the Ransom.  I am hoping that the Dardas cast 122 FP is going to perform well enough to be around 2" at 50 yards.  2 1/2" will like suffice as I will likely only shoot lead at 25 yards.

Greg Walloch

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by oldsalt444 Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:20 am

Plated bullets just don't have the accuracy level needed for bullseye shooting. I'm in 100% agreement with Greg and dronning.  FMJ & JHP group much tighter.  I like the Hornady HAP and Magnus FMJ which group very well in my gun.  

That being said, you might like 4.2 - 4.5 gr. of Power Pistol or Green Dot seated to 1.12".

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by S148 Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:05 am

oldsalt444 wrote:Plated bullets just don't have the accuracy level needed for bullseye shooting. I'm in 100% agreement with Greg and dronning.  FMJ & JHP group much tighter.  I like the Hornady HAP and Magnus FMJ which group very well in my gun.  

That being said, you might like 4.2 - 4.5 gr. of Power Pistol or Green Dot seated to 1.12".

oldsalt444, which Magnus FMJ bullets are you using?  And could you please share your favorite loads with that bullet?



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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by rich.tullo Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:26 am

I cannot speak for 50 yards but the truncated cone 45acp bullets work with 4.5gn VV320. I suspect the issue with the accuracy is due to the plating getting damaged on seating therefore liberal belling is necessary to achieve acceptable short line accuracy. I would not use them for the long line. 

Hornady HAP seems to be the bullet most used for long line 9mm.

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by gregbenner Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:04 pm

I also have a new custom 9mm, long slide 1911 with a Clark barrel (also from Jon E) that I will be Ransom testing as well.  I have .355 and .356 SWC from PENN, and on order have 6 different jacketed Magnus bullets, 115, 124,125, and 147. I plan to test both SS and LL.


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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by oldsalt444 Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:57 am

S148 wrote:
oldsalt444 wrote:Plated bullets just don't have the accuracy level needed for bullseye shooting. I'm in 100% agreement with Greg and dronning.  FMJ & JHP group much tighter.  I like the Hornady HAP and Magnus FMJ which group very well in my gun.  

That being said, you might like 4.2 - 4.5 gr. of Power Pistol or Green Dot seated to 1.12".

oldsalt444, which Magnus FMJ bullets are you using?  And could you please share your favorite loads with that bullet?

S&W 910 (1:18.75 twist)
Magnus or Hornady 115 gr FMJ RN, 3.0 Titegroup, 1.12 COL. Had to use a lighter spring for this load - 8 lb. 
Magnus or Hornady 115 gr JHP, 4.3 Power Pistol, 1.115 COL. Using a 12 lb. spring.

Beretta 92 (KKM barrel 1:32 twist)
Magnus or Hornady 115 gr FMJ RN, 6.1 Power Pistol, 1.12 COL. Factory 14 lb. spring. This is the "Dave Sams" load he uses for testing builds.

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by Wobbley Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:37 am

We made up a batch of 9mm training ammo using plated bullets.  The load was 5.4 CFEPistol, CCI primers, mixed brass, X-Treme  115 plated.  At 10 yards they shot OK but this was for ten-second mag dumps in a 7 inch circle.  In my CZ and a SIG they shot well.

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by zanemoseley Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:13 pm

What I'm not getting is the point of shooting a 9mm at 1100+ fps. Sure it groups 1" or so out of a good gun but you can get 1.5" usually from a accurate lead load in .45acp. If you plug the numbers in a recoil calculator and use a 185 grain lead .45 going 725 it nearly matches the recoil from a 115 grain 9mm going 1100 fps, assuming equal gun weights.

So if you're not in a sport where the magazine capacity is a bonus you're using another gun for not much benefit. Smaller hole size but slightly more accurate.


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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by jglenn21 Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:51 pm

I'm with you zane.. you can have a 38 super that shoots 1.6 with with soft loads. No problem

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9mm LOADS FOR bullseye Empty Re: 9mm LOADS FOR bullseye

Post by oldsalt444 Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:37 pm

zanemoseley wrote:What I'm not getting is the point of shooting a 9mm at 1100+ fps. Sure it groups 1" or so out of a good gun but you can get 1.5" usually from a accurate lead load in .45acp. If you plug the numbers in a recoil calculator and use a 185 grain lead .45 going 725 it nearly matches the recoil from a 115 grain 9mm going 1100 fps, assuming equal gun weights.

So if you're not in a sport where the magazine capacity is a bonus you're using another gun for not much benefit. Smaller hole size but slightly more accurate.

I found this to be true when I first started loading for the Beretta KKM gun.  Slow twist needs fast loads to be accurate.  Recoil was as bad as a 45 hardball gun.  Very snappy recoil, too.  The primers cratered, which tells me it's too hot of a load.  However, my S&W 910 which is a budget entry level gun (no longer made), turned out to be a comfortable shooter and quite accurate in spite of the low price.  Only added adjustable sights, steel recoil guide rod, and trigger work.  It has a faster twist.  My 4.3 gr Power Pistol load groups 1" @ 25 yd.  Recoil is just a bit more than a 38 target load.  That gun and load just got me 6 leg points!  Yeaaaah!   9mm LOADS FOR bullseye 1710857839

I have to admit that this is an exception, not the rule for 9mm.  A light 45 or 38 Super load will do you well if you're looking for lighter recoil and accuracy.

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